Mar 02, 2025
GRED 543 - Methods of Inquiry I (SAMPLE) Semester Hours: Three Hours This course will consist of a survey of research methods; Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Method, and Action Research. A variety of research designs will be explored for each method noted above. Students will receive an overview of different methods of data collection and analysis frequently used in research literature. A survey of basic statistical methods including descriptive statistics, z- and t-tests of means, and correlation will be included. General research terms and processes will be discussed and reviewed during the class, including tools to collect data, code data, and present the data. Excel will be used for this course when performing the statistical analysis of data. A study of Action Research for teachers, counselors, and administrators will be one component of the course. As part of the course requirements, students are required to complete a research prospectus using one of the following methods; Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method, or Action Research. You will also be expected to use a web-based presentation system to present your proposal presentation.
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