CIP Code: 52.0201
Concentration in Business Administration
A minimum of 64 semester hours is required to earn the Associate of Science degree with a concentration in Business Administration, including the general education, business, and elective courses listed below.
Transfer credits will be accepted into this program from an accredited college or school up to a maximum of 42 semester hours of credit, up to 15 hours of which may be earned through credit by examination and/or portfolio assessment of prior learning. Portfolio credit is only available to those students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University. Students must complete a minimum of 22 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University to earn the Associate of Science degree.
A student must earn a grade of C or better in all major (business component) courses, and achieve an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better for the awarding of the associate degree.