** Hours applied to degree requirements
A 2.5 cumulative grade point average is required for graduation.
2 Science electives may come from Natural Sciences (BIOL, CHEM, BIOT), Health and Sport Sciences (EXSC, KHSC), and Social and Behavioral Science (PSYC, PSSC). These electives must be upper division and should be approved by the academic advisor.
3 Alternative courses to satisfy this requirement are likely to come from Natural Sciences, Health and Sport Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Science. Alternative courses should explore aspects of human disease or condition and must be selected with and approved by the academic advisor.
4 Upper division courses from PSHU, PSSC, and SOCO may also be used to satisfy this requirement.
5 General electives may come from any division. The number of hours required will be used to ensure satisfaction of the 120 hour graduation requirement. Additionally, courses may need to be upper division so that the 42 upper division hour requirement is satisfied.