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    Mar 06, 2025  
Missouri Baptist University 2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin 
Missouri Baptist University 2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Missouri Baptist University student portal is a single sign-on service, called myMBU,, which will allow students the ability to easily navigate across platforms without having to re-enter their password multiple times.

How will students use the single sign-on system? myMBU will act as Missouri Baptist University’s 24-hour, self-service web dashboard that provides eligible students a “one-stop shop” to access an array of services. Essentially, students will login to myMBU one time and have access to a number of services. The student-centric site includes the following functions:

  • myMBU Learn — This section allows students to access MBU’s Learning Management System, Canvas. Students who have forgotten their password can have their password reset using the Password Help Center PasswordHelpCenter/.
  • myMBU Life — This section allows students to engage in life at MBU through open access to up-to-date information, news, important forms, and upcoming events for departments, organizations, and resident life.
  • myMBU Access — This section allows students to access personal academic information such as class schedules and unofficial transcripts; print both mid-term and final grade cards (grade reports will not be mailed); view active holds; change local address information; keep a personal calendar of events such as birthdays, athletic schedules, concerts, upcoming tests, etc.; access a Faculty Directory of campus email addresses and phone numbers; view lists of documents received and outstanding (Admissions, Financial Services, Teacher Education, etc.); order books from the bookstore; review and either accept or deny financial aid awards; pay tuition and fees; and locate other important information including course schedules and library reference sites.
  • In addition, students may access campus email and library databases from the myMBU dashboard.

To login to myMBU, students will go to and click on the Current Students link. From that page, students will launch myMBU. For students, the username to login to myMBU is the student ID number found on their student ID card. Students who do not have a current student ID card should contact the MBU IT department at 314-392-2377. Students who have forgotten their password can have their password reset using the Password Help Center PasswordHelpCenter/.

For other problems or questions, please contact the office related to the problem or question (Admissions for issues related to Admissions document tracking; Financial Services for billing or financial aid issues; Records Office for issues related to schedules, transcripts, or grade cards, etc.; Teacher Education for issues related to Teacher Education document tracking items, etc.).

Cancellation of Classes

In the event that day classes are cancelled due to severe weather, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances, or if classes are to run on the Delayed Day Schedule, please note the following:

  • The website will provide the most accurate information and details.
  • Students may sign up through the Password Help Center to receive emergency text notifications to their cell phone. In addition, students may enroll by sending a text message to 313131 with the term mbustudents. Students should quickly receive a text message confirming participation in the program.
  • The Main campus phone messaging system (314) 434-8262 will play updated information.
  • The following broadcast centers will be notified: KMOX Radio (AM 1120), KSDK Channel 5, and other outlets.

Announcements on KMOX begin at 5:30 a.m. with a repeat listing at 6:30 a.m. KTVI Channel 2 and KSDK Channel 5 continually broadcast information from 5:30 a.m.-9 a.m. Announcements on the mobap website and phone system will be made as early as possible.

When the Delayed Day Schedule is announced, 8 a.m. classes are cancelled and students should report to school at 9:30 a.m. for classes that are scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. All other classes will meet as scheduled.

All evening class cancellations due to inclement weather will be decided by 4 p.m. and posted on the website and phone system.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Missouri Baptist University does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age or disability with respect to admissions, housing, employment, services, financial aid, or any other educational programs or activities it operates. Inquiries regarding compliance related to students should be addressed to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, Missouri Baptist University, One College Park Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141, 314-392-2211. Inquiries regarding compliance related to employees should be addressed to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Missouri Baptist University, One College Park Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141, 314-392-2201.

Inquiries concerning Title IX should be addressed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator:

Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost
Missouri Baptist University
One College Park Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63141
(314) 392-2211

Nondiscrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure

Missouri Baptist University is committed to excellence in education that is based on Christian values and standards. The University believes this goal can be achieved only in an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Discrimination and harassment undermine the mission of the University, are prohibited by state and federal law, and will not be tolerated or condoned.

This policy is intended to address complaints of discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, race, national origin, disability, age, or any other characteristics protected by law. It applies to all members of the University community, including faculty, staff, volunteers, and students. It is intended to comply with federal and state law, and to complement other University policies, including but not limited to the Notice of Nondiscrimination and the Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Policy. In the event that a complaint involves allegations of sexual assault or relationship violence in which the accused is a student, the procedures set forth in the Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Policy will apply.


For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply:

Harassment” is defined as any unwelcome, unsolicited, and offensive conduct that is severe, pervasive, and tends to injure, degrade, or show hostility toward a person because of his or her sex, race, religion, national origin, disability, age, or other characteristic protected by law. Whether particular conduct constitutes harassment often depends on context, including the participants’ reasonable understanding of the situation, their past interactions with each other, the nature of their professional relationship, and the setting in which the conduct occurs.

Sexual harassment” is the use of personal power or authority to intimidate or attempt to intimidate or coerce a person of the opposite sex (or same sex) into unwanted sexual activity or to create a hostile or offensive academic or work environment. Sexual harassment is distinguished from consensual relationships by the introduction of the element of coercion; threat; unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexually explicit or suggestive material in written, verbal or visual form; or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition or an individual’s employment or academic performance.
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting the individual; or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s or employee’s academic or work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic or work environment.

Sexual Assault” is a severe form of sexual harassment, and is defined in detail in the University’s Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Policy. It refers to engaging in any form of sexual contact or conduct with another without that person’s clear, knowing, and voluntary consent. It is the responsibility of the person seeking to initiate sexual contact or conduct to affirmatively obtain such consent. It is not the responsibility of the intended recipient of such sexual contact to affirmatively deny such consent.

Examples of Sexually Harassing Behavior:

Prohibited behavior may take various forms. Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  1. Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.
  2. Sexually explicit language, jokes, and/or innuendo.
  3. Repeated sexual propositions, date invitations, solicitations, and flirtations known to be unwelcome.
  4. Inappropriate and/or offensive touching, fondling, or bodily contact.
  5. Sexually suggestive objects, pictures, videotapes, audio recordings, or literature presented or displayed in the classroom, faculty office, staff office, athletic area, or other common areas.
  6. Threats or insinuations that may affect a person’s employment, wages, promotional opportunities, grades, evaluations, and other academic or employment performance.
  7. Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault.

Stalking” occurs when a person purposely and repeatedly engages in an unwelcome course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his, her or others’ safety, or to suffer emotional distress. Stalking can occur via written, telephonic or electronic means.

Complaint Procedures

Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to conduct that violates this policy may elect to pursue an informal or a formal complaint. An informal complaint will primarily involve discussion and counseling to resolve the matter, while a formal complaint may result in the University taking disciplinary action against the accused party. All complaints will be promptly, thoroughly, and impartially investigated, and brought to a resolution within a reasonable time frame at each step of the process. In the event that a determination is made that an act of discrimination has occurred, appropriate corrective and remedial actions will be promptly taken.

Complaints regarding students should be addressed to:

Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost
Missouri Baptist University
One College Park Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63141
(314) 392-2211

Complaints related to employees should be addressed to:

Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Missouri Baptist University
One College Park Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63141
(314) 392-2201

Confidentiality and Protection of Both Parties

The University will protect, to the extent permitted by law, the confidentiality and identity of both those individuals filing complaints under this policy, and those accused of violations. Because the University has an obligation to address discrimination, however, the University cannot guarantee complete confidentiality where it would conflict with the University’s legal obligation to conduct a thorough investigation or take appropriate corrective action. However, in the event that disclosure of the University’s information or sources is required by law, it will be limited to the extent possible. The University will, to the extent permitted by law, keep confidential all records of complaints, responses and investigations. The records maintained by the investigator will be available only those to administrators and other supervisors charged with responding to allegations of discrimination, or those individuals responsible for overseeing the process.

The complainant will be kept reasonably apprised of the status of the investigation, and shall be provided with written notice of the disposition of the complaint at each stage of the process. All reasonable actions will be taken to insure that the complainant and those testifying on behalf of the complainant will suffer no retaliation as the result of their participation in the complaint, investigation, or hearing process.

In extraordinary circumstances, the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs may, at any time during the investigation of a discrimination complaint, suspend from teaching responsibilities any faculty member or instructional person accused of discrimination pending a final hearing, if after the allegations and interviewing of the accused, the complainant, and if appropriate, other persons having knowledge of the matter, the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs finds that it is reasonably certain that the alleged discrimination has occurred and serious immediate irreparable harm will occur of the person continues to teach the class. In the same manner, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost may temporarily suspend any student alleged to have violated the policy from attending classes and/or otherwise enjoin from attending classes on campus pending a formal hearing on the charges.

At the time the investigation commences, the accused will be informed of the nature of the allegations and the facts surrounding those allegations. A complainant found to have been intentionally dishonest in making the allegations or to have made them maliciously is subject to disciplinary action. False charges or complaints of discrimination will be treated as a serious offense, which is damaging to the total campus community.

Informal Complaint

  1. At the complainant’s option, an informal complaint that one or more provisions of this policy have been violated shall be raised with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost in the case of an alleged student violator, or with the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs in the event of an alleged staff or faculty violator.
  2. The administrator to whom the complaint is made will counsel the complainant as to the options available under this policy and, at the complainant’s request, may intervene on the complainant’s behalf to attempt to resolve the complaint informally through discussions with the person alleged to have violated the policy.
  3. The person to whom the informal complaint is made will not inform the accused of the complaint without the consent of the complainant.
  4. The submission of an informal complaint does not preclude an individual from subsequently pursuing a formal complaint, if a satisfactory resolution is not achieved informally.

Formal Complaint

A complainant wishing to make a formal complaint should file a written statement with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost (for alleged student violations) or the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (for alleged employee violations). The statement should include a detailed description of the conduct which the complainant believes violates this policy.

  1. Upon receipt of a formal complaint under this policy, the Senior Vice President to whom it has been reported (or his/her designee) will commence a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation into the allegations raised therein. In conducting the investigation, the appropriate administrator and his/her designee shall interview the complainant, the accused, and other persons believed to have pertinent factual knowledge. At all times the administrator responsible for the investigation will take appropriate steps to insure the confidentiality of the investigation.
  2. The investigation will afford the accused a full opportunity to respond to the complainant’s allegation(s).
  3. All complaints will be adjudicated as expeditiously as possible, and generally within sixty (60) days after the filing of the complaint. At the conclusion of the investigation, the administrator’s conclusion will be promptly and simultaneously communicated in writing to both the complainant and the accused. Possible outcomes of the investigation are:
    1. A judgment that the allegations do not warrant discipline.
    2. Mutually acceptable resolution of the complaint.
    3. Issuance of a disciplinary sanction.

When the investigation is complete, the responsible administrator to whom the complaint is made will determine whether it is more likely than not that an alleged violation of this policy has occurred. If a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter cannot be achieved, a formal sanction shall be issued. The decision regarding sanctions will be made by the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs when a faculty member, other instructional personnel, or staff member has been charged. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will make the decision in the case of a student having been charged.

Except as specifically modified by other provisions of this policy, procedures and sanctions for violations of this policy by faculty and staff will be governed by the grievance policy and procedure outlined in the personnel procedures handbook, and sanctions for violations of this policy by students will be governed by the procedures outline herein (with the exception that, as previously noted herein, incidents of sexual assault or relationship violence involving students shall be governed by the University’s specialized Policy on Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence).

Permissible Sanctions for Violations of the Policy

The sanctions for violation of this policy include, but are not limited to, censure, suspension, or termination of employees, faculty and staff of the University, and censure, probation, suspension, or expulsion of students.

Request for Clarification of Sanctions

If the respondent student objects to the sanctions or to how the investigation was handled, she or he may request an initial review and clarification of sanctions with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

  1. Within three (3) business days of the decision regarding the investigation, the respondent may request an initial review and clarification of sanctions with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost. The request must be made in writing and must detail the reasons why, in light of established criteria for an appeal below (a-d), the person objects to the sanctions and desires an initial review and clarification. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will evaluate the student’s request and other documentation relevant to the violation based on the following criteria:
    1. Irregularities in fairness that influenced the outcome of the disciplinary action. It is the burden of the student making the appeal to demonstrate the original decision would more likely than not have been different if the irregularity or error had not occurred.
    2. Demonstrated prejudice against any party involved on the part of the investigator, or any other personnel who participated in the disciplinary action. The prejudice must be more than simple opposition to the appealing party’s point of view; instead, evidence must show a significant conflict of interest, bias, pressure or influence that prevented a fair and objective hearing.
    3. Discovery of new and significant evidence not available at the time of the original hearing/investigation.
    4. A sanction that is extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation.
  2. Upon receipt of notification of the respondent’s request for an initial review and clarification of sanctions, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost shall schedule a meeting with the student to further discuss the basis for the charges and sanctions, to be held within three (3) business days of the receipt of such request, and shall notify the student of the time and place of the meeting. Appeal of Sanctions to the University Conduct Committee If the respondent still objects to the sanctions following the meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost, she or he may appeal the decision to the University Conduct Committee.

Appeal to the University Conduct Committee

If the respondent student still objects to the sanctions following the meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost, she or he may appeal the decision to the University Conduct Committee. To appeal a sanction the respondent must, within three (3) business days, formally appeal to the University Conduct Committee by written notice delivered to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost. Upon receipt of such appeal notice, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost shall promptly deliver the notice to the Chair of the University Conduct Committee. The President of the University shall appoint the Chair, as well as the members of the Committee. The student may request a stay of sanctions during the appeal process. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will determine the stay of sanctions. This decision cannot be appealed. The student is automatically placed on probation throughout the entire appeal process. Any further violations of the Student Conduct Code may result in the denial of the current appeal and immediate suspension or expulsion.

  1. Within three (3) business days of the filing of the notice of appeal, the Chair of the University Conduct Committee shall assign a subcommittee consisting of three Committee members from the faculty or staff the task of evaluating the merit of the appeal. The student making the appeal must submit a written defense of his/her appeal detailing why he/she objects to the sanctions. The subcommittee should evaluate the student’s appeal and other documentation relevant to the violation based on the criteria under Clarification of Sanctions Procedures 1. a-d above.
  2. Requests for appeal will not automatically be granted and may be denied by the subcommittee if one (or more) of the appeal criteria is not demonstrated. Within five (5) business days the subcommittee will report its decision to the Chair of the University Conduct Committee. Notification will be given to the student by the Chair of the Conduct Committee within two (2) business days of receiving the subcommittee’s decision. If the subcommittee denies the appeal, there is no further appeal.
  3. If the subcommittee decides that the appeal should be heard by the full Conduct Committee, the Chair, within seven (7) days of receiving the subcommittee’s decision, will establish the date, time, and place of a hearing of the charges against the student, and shall send written notice of such to the student, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, and all of the members of the Committee. The date of the hearing shall be not less than seven (7) days and not more than twenty-one (21) days after the giving of the notice of the hearing. The University shall make arrangements for the making of a record of the hearing, either by a stenographer or other appropriate means, and shall bear the expense of making such record. The student shall have the following rights at the hearing:
    1. To be present at the hearing;
    2. To cross-examine any witnesses presented by the administration;
    3. To present witnesses and other appropriate documentary evidence; and
    4. To remain silent or to testify in defense.
    5. The student may be accompanied at the hearing by an advisor of their choosing. If the student engages an attorney, the attorney may serve as an advisor, but not in an advocacy role.
  4. Following the conclusion of the hearing, the Committee shall deliberate in closed session and within reasonable time shall render a decision by a majority vote. The Chair of the Committee shall deliver the written findings and the decision of the Committee to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost as soon as is practical after the decision is rendered. The student shall be notified of the Committee recommendation and the final decision concerning the disciplinary actions in a joint meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost and the Committee Chair. Once the process is completed, there is no further appeal.
  5. The complainant shall be apprised in writing of the disposition of the grievance at each stage of the process. Any notice to the respondent student under this discipline policy will be delivered to the student in a manner agreed to in advance by both the student and the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost. If the student desires to pick up a notice subsequent to an appeal, the student shall make an appointment between two (2) and seven (7) working days with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost to receive and sign for the written result of the appeal. If the student prefers notice to be mailed, it shall be sent by certified mail to the most recent address shown in the official student file maintained by the University, and shall be deemed received when deposited in the U.S. Mail with postage pre-paid. If, at any time during the appeal process, the student desires to designate a different address for notice, the student shall so advise the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost, and such address, along with designated telephone number, shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Conduct Committee by the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.


Retaliation against anyone reporting or thought to have reported discriminatory behavior, or against anyone who cooperates in an investigation of such behavior, is prohibited by law and by University policy. Such retaliation shall be considered as a serious violation of the policy and shall be considered independent of whether informal or formal complaint of harassment is substantiated. Encouraging others to retaliate shall constitute a violation of the policy. Examples of conduct that may constitute retaliation include, but are not limited to:

  1. Unfair grading.
  2. Unfair evaluation.
  3. Unfair assignments.
  4. Having information withheld or made difficult to obtain in a timely manner, such as class information, recommendations, or grades.
  5. Not being informed about important events, such as meetings or changes in policy.
  6. Ridicule (public or private).
  7. Verbal or written threats or bribes.
  8. Refusal to meet with the person even though that person has a right to do so.
  9. Name-calling.
  10. Further harassment or other discriminatory actions.


Steps to prevent retaliation may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Lateral transfer of one or more of the parties to a different employment setting or a comparable move to a different classroom setting.
  2. Arrangements that academic and/or employment evaluations concerning the complainant or others be made by an appropriate individual other than the accused.

Education as a Key Element of the Policy

Educational efforts are essential to the establishment of a campus environment that is as free as possible of discrimination. There are at least four (4) goals to be achieved through education:

  1. Ensuring that all faculty members, students, and employees are aware of their right to be free from discrimination and harassment;
  2. Reasonably informing individuals of conduct that is proscribed by the policy;
  3. Ensuring that administrators properly respond to complaints of violations of this policy; and
  4. Helping to sensitize students, employees, faculty members, and administrators to the issue of discrimination and harassment on campus.

To support this policy, Missouri Baptist University will conduct periodic orientation and educational programs for faculty, students, and staff concerning discrimination. This orientation and educational process will be administered by the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

Preparation and Dissemination of Information

The office of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is charged with distributing copies of this policy and procedures to all current members of the University community and to all those who join the community in the future. An annual letter from the office of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will be sent to all faculty and staff to remind them of the contents of this Policy. Copies of this policy and procedures will be continuously available at appropriate University centers and offices. The office of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will develop a series of training sessions for those persons who are likely to receive complaints that the policy has been violated, including but not limited to such persons as residence hall assistants, academic advisors, division chairs/deans, and faculty. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will develop a program designed to inform and educate students to the issue discrimination and harassment, the conduct prohibited on campus by this policy and the appropriateness of sanctions for violations of this policy. A mandated program for those students determined to have violated the policy and will be imposed as a component of any complaint resolved through conciliation.

The Office of Civil Rights

A complainant who is not satisfied with the resolution offered by this Policy may file a complaint with the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. The contact information for that agency is as follows:

U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut, Suite 320
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Telephone: (816) 268-0550
Facsimile: (816) 268-0599

Missouri Baptist University Policy on Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence


Missouri Baptist University is committed to fostering an environment that is free of sexual violence of any kind. All members of the University community share responsibility for fostering this environment by adhering to standards of conduct consistent with this policy. The University seeks to provide a supportive climate that will encourage individuals to report incidents of sexual violence. Accordingly, this policy is designed to provide prompt and compassionate support services, ensure that appropriate steps are taken when a complaint is made, and protect the rights of all parties throughout the process.

This policy is designed to cover all conduct by an accused party who is a student at MBU. In the event that conduct in question is attributable to a member of the University’s faculty or staff, the University’s investigation will be referred to the Office of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and be conducted pursuant to the University’s Harassment Policy.

It is important to note here that MBU believes and teaches that students should only be engaged in consensual sexual activity within the bonds of covenant marriage between a man and a woman. See MBU’s “Statement on Sexual Behavior” for further clarification. The definitions that follow are given for the purpose of helping to identify behavior that violates this policy, as required by state and federal laws.

The University encourages the reporting of all incidents of sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. The decision to report such incidents is a deeply personal and often difficult decision, but is often a way for the victim to begin healing. Such reporting may also help prevent future incidents of a similar nature from occurring. Victims are not required, however, to report such incidents, and will not be penalized if they choose not to report an incident to law enforcement or a Compliance Officer.

The first priority for any victim of sexual assault or relationship violence should be to seek appropriate medical attention for any medical injuries and to preserve evidence in the event the Reporting Party chooses to pursue a complaint. The University will maintain and publish information containing resources and guidance for victims of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. In addition to the information contained in this policy, additional information will be maintained in the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report and any other means identified by the University administration to make the information readily available to the campus. Copies will also be maintained by the College’s Title IX Coordinator, who will make such information available to any interested person.


All definitions set forth in the Student Conduct Code are applicable to this Policy. In addition, the following definitions also apply:

Consent” –Effective consent is the basis of the analysis applied to unwelcome sexual contact. Lack of consent is the critical factor in any incident of sexual misconduct.

  1. Consent to participate in sexual activity is freely and actively given, and requires clear communication between all persons involved in the sexual encounter.
  2. Consent is active, not passive. Consent can be communicated verbally or by actions, but in whatever way consent is communicated, it must be mutually understandable. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent.
  3. It is the responsibility of the initiator of sexual contact to make sure they understand fully what the other person(s) involved in the activity wants and does not want sexually.
  4. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.
  5. Previous relationships or previous consent does not imply consent to future sexual acts.
  6. Consent cannot be procured by use of physical force, compelling threats, intimidating behavior, or coercion. Coercion is unreasonable pressure for sexual activity. Coercive behavior differs from seductive behavior based on the type of pressure someone uses to get consent from another.
  7. Effective consent cannot be given by minors, mentally disabled individuals, or persons incapacitated as a result of consumption of drugs or alcohol.
    1. Incapacitation is a state where one cannot make a rational, reasonable decision because they lack the ability to understand the “who, what, when, where, why or how” of their sexual interaction.
    2. This policy also covers someone whose incapacity results from mental disability, sleep, involuntary physical restraint, or from the taking of a so-called “date-rape” drug. Possession, use and/or distribution of any of these substances, including but not limited to: Rohypnol, LEAN, Ketomine, GHB, or Burundanga is prohibited, and administering one of these drugs to another student for the purpose of inducing incapacity is a violation of this policy.

Stalking” – Stalking occurs when a person purposely and repeatedly engages in an unwelcome course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his, her, or others’ safety, or to suffer emotional distress. Stalking can occur via written, telephonic or electronic means, and can constitute a violation of the University’s sexual harassment policy.

Dating Violence” refers to violence by a person who has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with the victim. Whether a relationship exists will depend on the length, type, and frequency of interaction. Any report of Dating Violence will be addressed under all applicable policy violations and may result in disciplinary action similar to the sanctions described below for sexual assault.

Domestic Violence” refers to violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner, current or former cohabitant, a person with whom a victim shares a child in common, a person similarly situated to a spouse under domestic or family violence law, or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law. Any report of Domestic Violence will be addressed under all applicable policy violations and may result in disciplinary action similar to the sanctions described below for sexual assault.

Sexual assault” refers to engaging in any form of sexual contact or conduct with another without that person’s clear, knowing, and voluntary consent. It is the responsibility of the person seeking to initiate sexual contact or conduct to affirmatively obtain such consent. It is not the responsibility of the intended recipient of such sexual contact to affirmatively deny such consent. For purposes of this Policy, acts of sexual assault are classified into two categories: Level 1 and Level 2.

Level 1

A Level 1 sexual assault refers to any sexual contact without consent and includes intentional touching, either of the victim or when the victim is forced to touch, directly or through clothing, another person’s genitals, breasts, thighs, buttocks or other intimate parts.

A student found responsible for a Level 1 sexual assault may be suspended. Other sanctions may include, but are not limited to, disciplinary probation, mandated counseling assessment, campus restrictions, and/or other educational sanctions. Other relevant factors may be considered in assigning sanctions, including the student’s conduct history.

Level 2

A Level 2 sexual assault refers to any attempted or actual sexual penetration of any kind without the person’s consent. Examples include vaginal, oral, or anal penetration by fingers, genitals, or objects.

A student found responsible for a Level 2 sexual assault may receive a long-term suspension or even expulsion from the University. Additional sanctions may include, but are not limited to, disciplinary probation, mandated counseling assessment, campus restrictions, and/or other educational sanctions. Other relevant factors may be considered in assigning sanctions, including the student’s conduct history.

Sexual Harassment” refers to unwelcomed, unsolicited, and offensive conduct that is severe or pervasive and tends to injure, degrade, disgrace, or show hostility toward a person because of a person’s gender and may include persons of the same sex. Sexual assault is a severe form of sexual harassment and a single instance of sexual assault may be sufficient to create a hostile environment. Descriptions of additional types and examples of sex-based harassment are contained in the University’s Harassment Policy.

Sexual Exploitation” – Sexual Exploitation occurs when a person takes nonconsensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for his/her own advantage or benefit, or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited, and that behavior does not otherwise constitute one of the other sexual misconduct offenses.

Title IX Coordinator” refers to the person responsible for overseeing all sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault and relationship violence complaints at the University. The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for conducting an annual report and review of all complaints to identify and address any patterns or systemic problems within the University community.

Reporting Procedures

Missouri Baptist University encourages members of its community to report all incidents of sexual assault or relationship violence. Any threats of retaliation or efforts to impede the reporting or investigation of a potential violation of this policy are strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. The University provides several options for reporting incidents of sexual harassment, including sexual assault and relationship violence, and/or stalking:

  1. Confidential Resources
    • Licensed counselor in Student Health Services (completely confidential option)
    • Additional confidential resources can be found in the “Resources” section of this policy.
  2. Formal Complaint – A formal complaint may be filed with any of the on-campus contacts described in “Resources” section of this policy, or with the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Andy Chambers: Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, Missouri Baptist University, 1 College Park Drive; (314) 392-2211; A complaint should include the reporting party’s name and contact information, and a written description of the incident in question. When such a formal complaint is received, it will be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator for a prompt and impartial investigation. The Reporting Party may choose to pursue the matter under the conduct procedures described herein, but is not obligated to do so. However, the University reserves the right to pursue that process when appropriate information is available.
  3. Criminal Report – A reporting party may also choose to file a criminal report with the Creve Coeur Police Department, or other appropriate jurisdiction. Such a report may be made simultaneously with a report to the University. The University’s Department of Public Safety is available to assist a reporting party with any such criminal report. Individuals may also wish to obtain an order of protection, no-contact order, or restraining order from the relevant jurisdiction.

Once the University receives notice of a complaint of sexual assault or relationship violence, the reporting party will be provided with a comprehensive list of all available resources and reporting options. Multiple reporting options may be pursued by a victim. However, regardless of the reporting option(s) pursued, the University’s primary priority is to ensure that a victim of sexual assault or relationship violence receives prompt medical attention to treat any injuries and preserve any evidence.

All employees who become aware of sex-based harassment, including sexual assault and relationship violence, are required to report that information to one of the reporting contacts listed in the “Resources” section of this policy, unless they are otherwise designated as confidential resources.

Interim Measures

When a report is made to the University, or the University otherwise learns of potential discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, the University may, if appropriate, take immediate action to protect the alleged victim, including implementing interim measures. These measures may include altering a student’s class schedule, providing academic or counseling support, or making changes to transportation or work situations.

Conduct Process

The following procedures will govern all investigations of complaints alleging violations of this policy. Missouri Baptist University reserves the right to deviate from these procedures when such deviation is necessary to ensure appropriate processing of the investigation. The University’s conduct process for sexual assault and relationship violence complaints will be prompt, equitable, and conducted in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator or his designee. The procedures will follow those set forth in the Student Conduct Code, but to the extent that the procedures outlined in this policy may conflict with the Conduct Code, the procedures detailed herein shall apply. Those procedures include:

  1. An investigation into the report shall be conducted by an MBU Title IX Investigator. The investigation will be conducted within a reasonable amount of time required to complete the investigation after receipt of the complaint.
  2. The purpose of the investigation is to establish whether there is a reasonable basis for believing the alleged violation of this policy has occurred. During the course of an investigation, the Title IX Investigator will work with other appropriate University offices and personnel in a discreet manner to ensure the investigation is handled properly.
  3. If the complainant or the respondent is under 17 years of age his/her parent or legal guardian may be notified of the complaint.
  4. The investigation shall include an interview of the complainant and the respondent, as well as any relevant witnesses suggested by the complainant and the respondent.
  5. In conducting the investigation, the appropriate administrator or his/her designee may interview the complainant, the accused, and other persons believed to have pertinent factual knowledge. At all times the Title IX Coordinator, who is ultimately responsible for the investigation, will take appropriate steps to ensure the confidentiality of the investigation and protection of all parties.
  6. Title IX requires that in all procedures involving allegations of violations of this policy, the standard of proof shall be “preponderance of the evidence” test. This is not the same as the standard that would be followed in a court of law, or “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” The preponderance of the evidence standard means that the evidence obtained from the investigation shows that it is “more likely than not” that the accused violated this policy.
  7. After all available information is reviewed and interviews are completed, the Title IX Investigator will deliver the results of the investigation to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost/Title IX Coordinator who will, in consultation with appropriate administrators, review all information and evidence and:
    1. Determine whether a violation of this policy has likely occurred, and if so, the appropriate response. Sanctions for violating this policy include, but are not limited to, censure, suspension, or expulsion.
    2. The Title IX Coordinator will notify the complainant and the respondent simultaneously in writing regarding all outcomes of the investigation, including appeal procedures, as well as any changes that may be made to the results.
    3. Partner with members of the campus community to take corrective action as may be appropriate under the circumstances.
  8. Protection of the campus community is paramount, and the University may find it necessary to take appropriate disciplinary action with or without concurrence of the complainant, where a sexual assault is found to have occurred, and the safety of the campus community is at risk.
  9. The complainant and respondent are entitled to have one advisor present during a campus disciplinary proceeding. The role of this advisor is strictly limited to providing support and advice to the student. The advisor is not permitted to participate in the proceedings as an advocate. At the conclusion of an on‐campus disciplinary action relating to a sexual assault, both the complainant and accused shall be informed in writing of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding alleging a sexual assault.
  10. All complaints will be adjudicated as expeditiously as possible and generally within sixty (60) business days after the filing of the complaint.

Clarification of Sanctions Procedures

If the respondent objects to the sanctions or to how the investigation was handled, she or he may request an initial review and clarification of sanctions with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

  1. Within three (3) business days of being notified by the Title IX Coordinator of the decision regarding the investigation, the respondent may request an initial review and clarification of sanctions with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost. The request must be made in writing and must detail the reasons why, in light of established criteria for an appeal below (a-d), the person objects to the sanctions and desires an initial review and clarification. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will evaluate the student’s request and other documentation relevant to the violation based on the following criteria:
    1. Irregularities in fairness that influenced the outcome of the disciplinary action. It is the burden of the student making the appeal to demonstrate the original decision would more likely than not have been different if the irregularity or error had not occurred.
    2. Demonstrated prejudice against any party involved on the part of the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Investigator, or any other personnel who participated in the disciplinary action. The prejudice must be more than simple opposition to the appealing party’s point of view; instead, evidence must show a significant conflict of interest, bias, pressure or influence that prevented a fair and objective hearing.
    3. Discovery of new and significant evidence not available at the time of the original hearing/investigation.
    4. A sanction that is extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation.
  2. Upon receipt of notification of the respondent’s request for an initial review and clarification of sanctions, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost shall schedule a meeting with the student to further discuss the basis for the charges and sanctions, to be held within three (3) business days of the receipt of such request, and shall notify the student of the time and place of the meeting.

Appeal of Sanctions to the University Conduct Committee

If the respondent still objects to the sanctions following the meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, she or he may appeal the decision to the University Conduct Committee. To appeal a sanction the respondent must, within three (3) business days, formally appeal to the University Conduct Committee by written notice delivered to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost. Upon receipt of such appeal notice, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost shall promptly deliver the notice to the Chair of the University Conduct Committee. The President of the University shall appoint the Chair, as well as the members of the Committee. The student may request a stay of sanctions during the appeal process. The Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost will determine the stay of sanctions. This decision cannot be appealed. The student is automatically placed on probation throughout the entire appeal process. Any further violations of the Student Conduct Code may result in the denial of the current appeal and immediate suspension or expulsion.

  1. Within three (3) business days of the filing of the notice of appeal, the Chair of the University Conduct Committee shall assign a subcommittee consisting of three Committee members from the faculty or staff the task of evaluating the merit of the appeal. The student making the appeal must submit a written defense of his/her appeal detailing why he/she objects to the sanctions. The subcommittee should evaluate the student’s appeal and other documentation relevant to the violation based on the criteria under Clarification of Sanctions Procedures 1. a-d above.
  2. Requests for appeal will not automatically be granted and may be denied by the subcommittee if one (or more) of the appeal criteria is not demonstrated. Within five (5) business days the subcommittee will report its decision to the Chair of the University Conduct Committee. Notification will be given to the student by the Chair of the Conduct Committee within two (2) business days of receiving the subcommittee’s decision. If the subcommittee denies the appeal, there is no further appeal.
  3. If the subcommittee decides that the appeal should be heard by the full Conduct Committee, the Chair, within seven (7) days of receiving the subcommittee’s decision, will establish the date, time, and place of a hearing of the charges against the student, and shall send written notice of such to the student, the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, and all of the members of the Committee. The date of the hearing shall be not less than seven (7) days and not more than twenty-one (21) days after the giving of the notice of the hearing. The University shall make arrangements for the making of a record of the hearing, either by a stenographer or other appropriate means, and shall bear the expense of making such record. The student shall have the following rights at the hearing:
    1. To be present at the hearing;
    2. To cross-examine any witnesses presented by the administration;
    3. To present witnesses and other appropriate documentary evidence; and
    4. To remain silent or to testify in defense.
  4. Following the conclusion of the hearing, the Committee shall deliberate in closed session and within reasonable time shall render a decision by a majority vote. The Chair of the Committee shall deliver the written findings and the decision of the Committee to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost as soon as is practical after the decision is rendered. The student shall be notified of the Committee recommendation and the final decision concerning the disciplinary actions in a joint meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost and the Committee Chair. Once the process is completed, there is no further appeal.
  5. Any notice to the student under this discipline policy will be delivered to the student in a manner agreed to in advance by both the student and the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost. If the student desires to pick up a notice subsequent to an appeal, the student shall make an appointment between two (2) and seven (7) working days with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost to receive and sign for the written result of the appeal. If the student prefers notice to be mailed, it shall be sent by certified mail to the most recent address shown in the official student file maintained by the University, and shall be deemed received when deposited in the U.S. Mail with postage pre-paid. If, at any time during the appeal process, the student desires to designate a different address for notice, the student shall so advise the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost, and such address, along with designated telephone number, shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Conduct Committee by the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

Protection of Complainant and Others

To the extent possible, the proceedings will be conducted in a way calculated to protect the confidentiality and safety of the complainant, respondent, and witnesses. The parties will be informed promptly about the outcome of the proceedings.

  1. At the time the investigation commences, the accused will be informed of the nature of the allegations, the identity of the complainant, and the facts surrounding the allegations.
  2. At any time, the Title IX Coordinator or designee may recommend that interim protections or remedies for the parties involved or witnesses be provided by appropriate University officials. These protections or remedies may include: separating the parties, placing limitations on contact between the parties, temporary suspension, or making alternative workplace or student housing arrangements, which could include removing a student from campus housing at their own expense. These remedies may be applied to one, both, or multiple parties involved. The Title IX Coordinator will take any steps necessary to make sure that there is no recurrence or further violation of this policy. Failure to comply with the terms of interim protections may be considered a separate violation of University policy.
  3. A complainant found to have been intentionally dishonest in making allegations or to have made them maliciously is subject to disciplinary action. False charges or complaints of sexual harassment will be treated as a serious offense, which is damaging to the total campus community. Intentionally false reports may also violate state criminal statutes and/or civil defamation laws.


  1. All inquiries, complaints, and investigations are treated with discretion. Information is disclosed as law and policy permit or require. However, the identity of the complainant will be disclosed to the person(s) accused of such conduct. Publicizing information about alleged sex discrimination or retaliation is strictly prohibited, and may be considered a violation of University policy.
  2. The Title IX Coordinator shall maintain all information pertaining to a complaint or investigation in secure files.
  3. Federal Statistical Reporting Obligations.
    Certain campus officials (Campus Security Authorities) have a duty to report violations of this policy for federal statistical reporting purposes. All personally identifiable information is kept private, but statistical information must be passed along to Campus Security Authorities regarding the type of incident and its general location (on or off-campus, in the surrounding area) but no addresses are given for publication in MBU’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report as required by the Clery Act.


Missouri Baptist University prohibits retaliation against anyone reporting, alleging, or complaining about a violation of this policy. Retaliation is prohibited by Title IX, and shall be considered as a serious violation of the policy and shall be considered independent of whether an informal or formal complaint is substantiated. Encouraging others to retaliate shall constitute a violation of the policy. Any person who retaliates against a complainant will be subject to possible disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


The fact that a person did not intend to violate this policy is not considered a defense to a complaint. The use of alcohol or drugs will never function to excuse behavior that violates this policy.

Outcomes for Sexual Assault

Disciplinary action at the University will normally proceed even if criminal proceedings have been initiated. Missouri Baptist University’s action will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced, or that no criminal charges have been brought. The procedures and burdens of proof in a disciplinary action are different from those applicable to a criminal trial. If civil authorities are notified, students can anticipate that Missouri Baptist University may consult with and be in communication with such authorities. Students violating the University’s policy against sexual assault, sexual misconduct, relationship violence (domestic and dating), or stalking may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including loss of educational opportunities, loss of scholarship, suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.

Training and Awareness Programs

In addition to the information contained in this Policy, the University will, in accordance with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (“SaVE Act”), provide training and information to members of the campus community regarding the following topics:

  1. Safe and positive steps an individual may take to intervene to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against another person;
  2. Information about how to recognize warning signs of abusive behavior in order to mitigate the likelihood of perpetration, victimization, or bystander inaction;
  3. Awareness campaigns and prevention programs intended to stop domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking before they occur, and to increase campus awareness and share information and resources for the same purpose;
  4. Written notification to students and employees about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, and other services available for victims, both within the institution and in the community.

The University will distribute this information to members of the campus community through its Annual Security and Fire Safety Report and any other means identified by the University administration to make the information readily available to the campus. Copies will also be maintained by the Title IX Coordinator, who will make such information available to any interested person.

Counseling and Reporting Resouces

  • MBU Anonymous tip line – (314) 744-7620
  • MBU Department of Public Safety – (314) 744-5355
  • Dr. Andy Chambers, Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost (also the MBU Title IX Coordinator) – (314) 392-2211
  • Krista Huse, Administrative Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost – (314) 392-2212
  • Kim Grey, Associate Dean of Students – (314) 392-2241
  • Any MBU Student Development staff member
  • If the victim is a student-athlete, she/he can contact the Assistant Coach, Head Coach, or Dr. Tom Smith, Director of Athletics – (314) 392-2264.
  • If the victim lives in student housing, a Resident Life staff member can be contacted (Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director, Resident Director, or the Director of Resident Life). Staff can be reached at the following numbers:
    • North Hall Resident Director – (314) 485-8477
    • Pillsbury Huff Hall Resident Director – (314) 392-2104
    • Spartan Village Resident Director – (314) 485-8475
    • Associate Dean of Students – (314) 392-2241
  • Creve Coeur Police Department – 911/(314) 432-8000
  • Victims may also go directly to Mercy Medical Center
  • Other helpful resources include:
    • Sexual Assault Center – Saint Louis (314) 531-7273
    • Safe Connections – Saint Louis
      • 24-Hour Crisis Helpline (314) 531-2003
      • Main Office Number (314) 646-7500
      • Main Fax Number (314) 646-8181
    • Women’s Safe House (314) 772-8952
    • Alive (Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments)
      • St. Louis Crisis Line: (314) 993-2777
      • Franklin County Crisis Line: (636) 583-5700 or (800) 941-9144
    • Victim Service Council, (314) 615-2600

Policy Updates

The most up to date version of this policy is maintained in the office of the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

Student Email Use Policy

    In accordance with Missouri Baptist University (MBU) policy, every student is required to have and to maintain an official MBU e-mail address. Some students may elect to forward their e-mail to an address different from their official MBU email account. Any student who elects to forward MBU e-mail to a different e-mail address assumes full responsibility for reading e-mail at the forwarded location. Students are expected to check their University e-mail account, or the account to which their University e-mail is forwarded, at least twice a week.
    Email is a mechanism for official communication within Missouri Baptist University. The University has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. Official email communications are intended only to meet the academic and administrative needs of the campus community. Official University email accounts are required for all enrolled students. The addresses are all of the form [Student ID#] Official email address will be directory information.
    1. Redirecting of email
      If students wish to have email redirected from their MBU email address to another email address they may do so, but at their own risk. The University will not be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or by departmental servers. Having email redirected does not absolve students from the responsibilities associated with official communication sent to their MBU email account. Information and warnings about forwarding email are available at
    2. Expectations about student use of email
      Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with Universityrelated communications. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be timecritical. “I didn’t check my email,” error in forwarding mail, or email returned to the University with “Mailbox Full” or “User Unknown” are not acceptable excuses for missing official University communications via email.
    3. Privacy
      Users should exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters, and should not assume that email is private and confidential. It is especially important that users are careful to send messages only to the intended recipient(s). Particular care should be taken when using the “reply” command during email correspondence.
    An “MBU statement of use” email policy will be placed in all MBU course syllabi. In addition, faculty will determine how electronic forms of communication (e.g., email) will be used in their classes, and will specify their requirements in the course syllabus. The “MBU statement of use” email policy and the faculty member’s “official student email policy” will ensure that all students will be able to comply with email-based course requirements specified by faculty. Faculty can therefore make the assumption that students’ official accounts are being accessed and faculty can use email for their classes accordingly.

Computer Use Policy

    Campus computing is intended to support the mission of Missouri Baptist University (MBU) in providing an excellent liberal arts education in a distinctively Christian environment and requires responsible, ethical, and legal use of computer resources by all students, faculty, and staff. This policy sets forth provisions for any form of computer use on MBU campus or equipment.
    All users are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in this policy. Using the University’s computers is a privilege and may be revoked at any time. All material stored electronically on MBU servers such as voicem
    • Acceptable behavior includes, but may not be limited to the following:
      1. Using computer resources for University courses, research, University functions, and correspondence.
      2. Respecting copyright and other intellectual property rights. Violation of this may result in a fine of up to $250,000 and a jail sentence of up to 5 years. For more details please see
      3. Abiding by security restrictions on all systems and information to which you have access.
      4. Accepting responsibility for your own work by learning how to use hardware and software appropriately.
      5. Using your personal account properly.
      6. Changing your password in accordance with University guidelines. Passwords must be changed every ninety days, must be at least eight characters long with at least one number and one uppercase letter and may not contain any part of your name.
    • Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:
      1. Cheating, plagiarism, or information theft through the use of logins or passwords of other users.
      2. Wasting finite computer resources. (i.e.: online time, paper, disk space, etc.)
      3. Accessing, examining, or attempting to examine files, mail, and/or data belonging to others.
      4. Sending unsolicited, annoying, harassing, or obscene messages. This also includes bulk email to University personnel for non-work related items such as, but not limited to, items for sale, pictures, etc.
      5. Distributing passwords or otherwise attempting to gain access to secure areas, this also includes protection of your own personal passwords. The University will never ask for your password in an email, these are outside threats trying to gain access to our systems and email.
      6. Invading the privacy of other individuals.
      7. Knowingly damaging any University hardware or software.
      8. Deleting any University provided software or deleting any data belonging to another user.
      9. Using multiple terminals or microcomputers simultaneously.
      10. Installing unauthorized software.
      11. Knowingly introducing a computer virus.
      12. Violating any rules or regulations posted.
      13. Accessing materials from the internet (such as pornography and other questionable materials), which are not consistent with the university’s mission in maintaining a distinctly Christian environment.
    Violation will result in disciplinary and/or legal action and may result in a loss of access, fines, probation, and/or expulsion/ termination. Anyone who has questions about policy guidelines, violations or other irresponsible use of technology resources, should contact the following; For student user related issues contact the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost (314) 392-2212. For all other users, contact the Provost’s office at (314) 392-2202. Federal law has established penalties for infringements upon copyrights, intellectual property rights, and privacy rights of individuals. The Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri (569.093569.009) have established penalties for tampering with intellectual property of computer users or computer equipment. Penalties range from a one-year sentence and a fine of $1,000 to a five-year sentence with a $5,000 fine, depending on the damage caused.

Library Code of Conduct

The mission of the library is to provide students, staff, and faculty with the broadest array of information resources in an easy and timely manner, and to create an academic environment conducive to study, access, and research. All users are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth by this policy. The use of the stations, resources, etc., is a service and privilege to all.

  • Users are required to turn their cell phones off, or set it to ‘vibrate.’ If it is necessary to take a call please take it outside, and keep calls private.
  • Patrons are expected to maintain a quiet atmosphere by refraining from loud conversations in all areas of library. Your fellow library users will thank you for being considerate.
  • Computer stations are dedicated for research and academic work. Playing games is not allowed.
  • Distribution of leaflets and other notices/advertisements not related to the library/university activities is prohibited.
  • Failing to adhere to the copyright law, and systematically downloading or printing from a source not licensed infringes on the copyright law, and will not be tolerated.
  • Students who are disruptive and/or rude to the library staff will be reported promptly to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.
  • Students must show their ID’s when asked by the staff. It is a safety procedure if an emergency should occur.
  • Eating/drinking or bringing any kind of food into the library is not allowed. Water bottles/cups with lids may be used in the library.
  • Opening the exit emergency door, except for emergency situations, is a violation, and the individual will be reported immediately to Public Safety.

Violations of any of the above will result in a disciplinary action by the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost.

Fair Use


One of the rights accorded to the owner of copyright is the right to reproduce or to authorize others to reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. This right is subject to certain limitations found in sections 107 through 118 of the copyright law (title 17, U. S. Code). One of the more important limitations is the doctrine of “fair use.” The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at, especially their FAQ’s at

Security Cameras 

Missouri Baptist University, in its discretion, may install security cameras on campus in order to provide increased security monitoring. Cameras will be placed in visible locations in publically accessible areas and will not record audio signals. Viewing of footage recorded by security cameras is restricted to MBU Public Safety personnel and outside law enforcement, if needed.

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center, which operates under the Office of Student Development, provides students with services and resources that enhance student learning in and outside of the classroom environment and thus improves the opportunity each student has to succeed at MBU. The ASC Writing Lab, tutoring services, and academic enrichment workshops are coordinated through the Academic Success Center under the direction of the Director of Student Success. Test administration services are also provided through the ASC. In addition to classroom make-up tests, examinations – including the ACT, Residual ACT, CLA+ (for seniors who completed it as freshmen), the Proficiency Profile for first time freshmen and mid-level students, MoGEA, DSST, Major Field Tests, and CPCE – are scheduled, administered, and supervised by the Coordinator of Testing/ Assistant to the Director of Student Success. See the ASC web page for additional information at

Incoming students who are accepted to Missouri Baptist University on probation are required to participate in Quest, a program of academic support offered by the Academic Success Center including individual meetings with the Director of Student Success or another Quest mentor. This program is designed to assist students with achieving a 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average. A Quest contract must be signed with the Director of Student Success prior to the first day of classes. Should students neglect participation in the program and fail to have a 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average at the end of the first semester, they will receive a “hold” requiring them to meet with the Director of Student Success. They may also be required to meet with the Senior Vice President for Student Development/ Associate Provost by recommendation of the Director of Student Success. Students who continue to neglect participation in the program and fail to achieve a 2.0 cumulative grade point average at MBU may be in danger of losing financial aid and having future enrollment at MBU prohibited.

The Special Needs Access Office: Services for Students with Disabilities

The Special Needs Access Office offers services to students who have documented disabilities of a permanent or temporary nature. The Special Needs Access Office provides the following services for students with disabilities who are enrolled at Missouri Baptist University:

  1. Coordination of reasonable classroom accommodations;
  2. Referral services for individual counseling;
  3. Information provided for obtaining diagnostic evaluations for students who suspect they have a disability;
  4. Consultation with faculty and staff members regarding accommodations; and
  5. Liaison with community professionals and agencies.

To qualify for services, students must self-identify to the Special Needs Access Office. Students must meet with the Special Needs Access Coordinator to discuss their needs and provide appropriate written documentation of a disability from a qualified professional or agency. Students are encouraged to establish documentation at least two weeks prior to the first day of the semester.

Students who need accommodations must register each semester with the Special Needs Access Office. Instructor Notification Memos, which describe the student’s needed accommodations, will be developed with the student’s written permission. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up and deliver memos, as well as discuss his/her needs with each instructor.

The goals of the Special Needs Access Office are to provide appropriate support services to students, staff, and faculty; to minimize physical and attitudinal barriers; and to provide autonomy and self-advocacy for persons with disabilities. For more information visit

The Special Needs Access Office is housed in the Academic Success Center, room FLD-117. The Special Needs Access Coordinator, Jennifer Davis, can be reached via phone at (314) 485-8473 or email at

Service and Assistance Animals*

 The Missouri Baptist University Policy on Service and Assistance Animals outlines the responsibilities of students and the University in evaluating and approving requests by students for Service Animals and Assistance Animals. For purposes of the policy, a “Service Animal” is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities, and an “Assistance Animal,” is defined as (1) an animal that works, provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability; or (2) an animal that provides emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. Students who seek an accommodation in the form of a Service Animal or an Assistance Animal must submit the required documentation as set forth in the policy in a timely manner, and obtain the advance approval of the Special Needs Office prior to bringing a Service Animal or Assistance Animal to campus. In order to maintain University facilities, and ensure the health and safety of members of the University community, Service Animals and Assistance Animals are subject to standards regarding their care, keeping and behavior.

The full policy is located on the University’s website or can be reviewed in hard copy format in the Office of Student Development. Students should address any questions regarding the policy to the Special Needs Access Office in the Academic Success Center.

*Animals not authorized through the Special Needs Access Office are not allowed on campus.

Career Services

The Career Services Office operates under the supervision of the Director and provides services to all students and alumni. Services include career planning, campus recruiting, personal interviews, job search assistance and referrals, resume and cover letter critiques, interview coaching, internships, seminars, workshops, and career fairs.

In addition, Career Services offers several web-based resources to connect students and alumni with its services. Those services include:

  • Career Exploration through MBU Focus 2 for those interested in exploring career options or who need help choosing a program of study. An Online Career Library through VAULT allows students access to the most current periodicals, journals, and resources to help them in their career journey.
  • Job Search Assistance through MBULINK, an online job database used by Career Services to connect students and employers. Registration is required. All users must be current students or alumni of the university.
  • Credential Files are established and maintained online through INTERFOLIO, a credential and dossier management system. Those who wish to establish a file may access Interfolio through Fees for services are available online through Interfolio or through the Career Services Webpage.

The Career Services Office is located in Field Academic Hall in the Student Development Suite on the Main campus.

Counseling Services

Counseling and Wellness Services are coordinated through the Office of Student Development. Counselors are available to meet individually with students by appointment, which are scheduled through the Student Development Office. All sessions with counselors are completely confidential. Information and resources for counseling and wellness services are listed online at:

Requests For Medical Withdrawal

All requests for medical withdrawals must be appealed to the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost using the Withdrawal from School form. Students must notify the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost as soon as the medical need is detected and must remain in regular contact with him or his designee regarding the progress of the medical situation. Students must provide a typed letter from their attending physician stating the exact reason for the need to withdraw and the date the physician began treatment of the medical situation. Final resolution of the medical withdrawal from classes will be subject to the approval of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. An appeal for a medical withdrawal does not automatically make null and void any tuition charges incurred during the semester in which the student needs to withdraw. Nor does it automatically void the student’s grades for the semester. Students who fail to notify the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost of the need to withdraw based on the medical need will be responsible for the entire balance due on their account. All medical withdrawal requests must be submitted within the same semester as the need arises. Any/all requests submitted after the close of the affected semester is complete will not be reviewed.

Should the medical need be resolved, the student must provide the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost a typed letter from the attending physician giving approval for the student to return at either a full-time or limited basis prior to the student’s re-admittance to the University. If special considerations are needed, they must be stated in the physician’s letter. It will be the responsibility of the student to meet with the Special Needs Access Coordinator if special considerations are required.

International Student Services

The Office of International Student Services is responsible for recruitment, admission, student development and immigration compliance for all non-immigrant students at Missouri Baptist University and international alumni engaged in Optional Practical Training. The OISS staff is committed to providing the best possible service to international  students throughout their educational journey. OISS also provides opportunities for international students and U.S. students to engage in crosscultural learning activities.

Services include: International Student Orientation, enrollment verification letters, assistance with applications for Practical Training, immigration advising, and workshops on F-1 visa status benefits. Most services are provided through appointment only. Appointments are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Sports And Recreation Complex

The Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex raises the level of excellence in campus life through enhanced recreation facilities, including a fitness center with strength training and cardiovascular equipment, an indoor track, a group fitness and dance area for a wide variety of classes, student locker rooms, and much more.

The suspended indoor track allows recreational walkers and runners a bird’s-eye view of the gymnasium.

The group fitness room, complete with a surround sound system and mirrored walls, offers a beautiful view of the eastern side of the MBU campus. Students, faculty, and staff can participate in a variety of group fitness offerings designed to exercise the body and mind. For specific information on available classes, go to

The spacious fitness center offers free weights, weight machines, and cardiovascular machines- everything needed to help improve flexibility, develop strength, tone muscles, and improve overall health and wellness. State of the art equipment, oversized flat screen televisions, and great music give patrons a workout experience to look forward to again and again. For fitness center hours go to