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    Feb 18, 2025  
Missouri Baptist University 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
Missouri Baptist University 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Support Information

Undergraduate Financial Aid, Scholarships, Military and Veterans Benefits

Missouri Baptist University offers an affordable, quality, liberal arts education to undergraduate students by combining the family contribution with grants, scholarships, loans, and student employment. While the primary responsibility for funding a university education lies with students and their families, the University has developed a comprehensive assistance program.


Missouri Baptist University requires all undergraduate students to follow the procedures outlined below when applying for aid. In following the procedures, students will be considered for all types of assistance:

  1. Complete the undergraduate admission process by submitting a degree-seeking application, supplying all academic transcripts, along with appropriate test scores, and any other required Admission materials.
  2. Undergraduate students receiving federal student aid must have a high school diploma, General Equivalency Diploma (GED®), or High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®). An official high school transcript reflecting graduation date, or Official copy of the GED® or HiSET®, must be submitted to the Admissions Office in order to be eligible for federal aid.
  3. Complete the current award year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and request that the results be sent to Missouri Baptist University (Title IV School Code 007540). This application may be completed online at In addition to the FAFSA, students applying for Federal Direct Stafford loans will need to complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Notes at Parents applying for Federal Parent PLUS loans will need to complete the PLUS Request and Master Promissory Notes at Applicants may be selected for a review process called verification. In that instance additional financial documents will be required, which may include IRS tax transcripts.
  4. After evaluating the eligibility of the student, an award notification will be sent to the student detailing specific available financial assistance. Revised award notifications may be issued if eligibility changes. Students will be notified of any additional items that may be required to complete processing, such as federal verification, or loan documents via the myMBU Access student portal.
  5. Admission and financial aid files, including federal verification process if student is chosen, must be complete before any grants, scholarships, and/or loans may be disbursed.
  6. Federal aid is generally not available to students who fail to complete these items prior to ceasing enrollment.

Important Dates

Upcoming Year - 2017-2018
October 1 Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the upcoming academic year.
January 1 Priority date for students who have completed a FAFSA to qualify for Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG).
February 1 Priority deadline to apply for Access Missouri Grant Program for the upcoming academic year.
June 1

Deadline to apply for Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarships for the upcoming academic year.

Current Year - 2016-2017
October 1 Deadline for completion of student financial aid files in order to receive institutional financial aid for Fall (current) semester.
February 1 Deadline for completion of student financial aid file in order to receive institutional financial aid for Spring (current) semester. Aid for students applying after this date will be considered as funds are available.
June 30 Deadline to file Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current academic year. (Please note: Direct Loans cannot be processed once the term has ended.)

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility

Missouri Baptist University monitors Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) once a year at the end of the spring semester. Financial aid recipients must demonstrate through their scholastic records that they are making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their program(s) of study in order to maintain eligibility for enrolling in classes and receiving any form of federal financial assistance. Academic progress for financial aid is measured at the end of each year utilizing qualitative and quantitative standards.

Credit Definitions

Credits attempted are defined as all classes for which a student receives a passing grade (“D” or better), or an “F”, “XF”, “IP”, “IN”, “W”, “WF”. Credits earned are defined as all classes for which a student receives a passing grade (“D” or better). Repeated courses count as credits attempted during each term the student is enrolled in the course; however, the highest grade will be counted once as credits earned.

Qualitative Standards for Financial Aid Eligibility

At the end of the spring semester, ALL students who have an overall cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on Federal Aid Suspension for the next semester.

Quantitative Standards for Financial Aid Eligibility

This standard has two components: maximum time frame and course completion rate. The maximum time frame in which a student must complete an educational program of study cannot exceed 150 percent of the published program length measured in credit hours attempted. Example: A student pursuing an educational program that requires 128 hours would be allowed to attempt a maximum of 192 hours [128 x 150 percent (1.5) = 192]. The number of hours attempted includes any transfer hours accepted from other institutions that are applied to the student’s program of study. In conjunction with the maximum program length, students must successfully complete (measured as credit hours earned) at least 66.67 percent of all coursework attempted as they progress through their program of study. This is a cumulative process, illustrated as follows: A student has maintained satisfactory academic progress for the first year of enrollment. However, at the end of the second year, the student’s academic transcript indicates 45 hours attempted and 27 hours earned. The course completion rate is 60.0 percent (27 divided by 45). The student does not meet the required 66.67 percent standard and thus will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and the student will have to appeal the Financial Aid Committee to receive federal aid for the next semester.

Financial Aid Suspension

Students on Financial Aid Suspension are not eligible for any form of federal financial assistance and remain ineligible until satisfactory academic progress standards are met or there has been an approved appeal or approved academic plan.

Appeal Process

Students who feel mitigating circumstances existed which adversely affected their ability to maintain satisfactory academic progress may submit a written appeal. This appeal should be directed to the Financial Services Office. The Financial Aid Committee will hold a hearing in a timely manner to consider the appeal. If a student’s appeal is approved by the Financial Aid Committee, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one term. After the Financial Aid Probation term students must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) or must successfully follow their academic plan. If the student’s appeal is not approved the student has no additional recourse.

Students placed on Federal Aid Suspension will remain on suspension unless an appeal is approved by the Financial Aid Committee or they reach satisfactory academic progress by taking courses without federal aid. The student will have two options.

  1. Option 1: Students submit an application to the Financial Aid Committee asking to extend their financial aid for one semester with an explanation of their prior grades and what they will do to achieve a 2.0 by the end of the next semester. They may be placed on probation for one semester (generally the fall) and must be maintaining SAP by the end of that semester. If not, they may be placed back on Federal Aid Suspension with no additional appeal process until they have once again achieved Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  2. Option 2: Students complete an appeal form and submit it to the Financial Aid Committee and also submit an Academic Plan. This Academic Plan must explain how they will be attain SAP by a certain timeframe, not to exceed one academic year. At the end of the academic year, they must be maintaining SAP. In addition, each semester, they will be reviewed and must be making progress towards their plan.

Students who do not comply with current academic regulations are subject to review and possible termination of financial aid.

The SAP regulations of this section supersede all similar policies in previous catalogs and are effective for all students as of July 1, 2011.

Federal and State Aid

Federal and state aid is primarily based on financial need. Students must apply through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at to be considered.

The FAFSA provides a guideline for an estimate of family contribution. After the family contribution is subtracted from the cost of attendance (including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, personal items, travel expenses, etc.), the result is the need of the student.

    Cost of Attendance (tuition, room and board, books, supplies, personal items, travel expenses, etc.)
  - Family Contribution (student and parent if dependent)
  = Student’s Need

Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible after October 1 for the following academic year.

Students receiving federal assistance must certify through the FAFSA that they will use federal and/or state student financial aid only to pay the cost of attending an institution of higher education, and that they are not in default on a federal student loan or owe a repayment to the Federal Pell Grant program

Financial Aid Consortium Agreement

A consortium agreement is a written agreement between two eligible schools which allows students to receive federal and/or state assistance at one (Home) institution for additional coursework completed at a separate (Host) institution. The Home Institution is the institution at which the students will be receiving their final Degree or Certificate. (Anyone enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking MBU student does not need to complete a Financial Aid Consortium Agreement.)

Financial Aid Consortium Agreement forms are available online at and clicking on Consortium Agreement for Financial Aid under Other Forms, or by contacting the Financial Services Office. The forms may also be available at the Regional Learning Centers.

Undergraduate Grants and Scholarships

Federal Grants

Federal Pell Grant

Pell grants are awards available to students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. Eligibility is based on demonstration of financial need on the FAFSA, as well as a student’s enrollment status. Amounts awarded are subject to Congressional budget appropriations each year.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

Funds for this award are given on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted. To qualify, students must demonstrate exceptional financial need on their FAFSA and have a completed FAFSA by January 1. Amounts vary per award year and are based on a student’s enrollment status.

Teach Grant Program

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides up to $4,000 per year in grants for undergraduate degree-seeking students who intend to teach full-time in high-need subject areas for at least four years at schools that serve students from low-income families. Students may receive up to $16,000. Part-time students are eligible, but the maximum grant will be reduced. The grant is not available for post-baccalaureate teacher certification coursework.


Student Eligibility Requirements

To receive a TEACH Grant you must:

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
  • Meet eligibility requirements for federal student aid listed at:
  • Be enrolled in a program of study designated as TEACH Grant-eligible. Eligible programs are those that prepare a student to teach in a high-need area. For example, a bachelor’s program with a math major could qualify for a student who intends to be a math teacher. TEACH Grant-eligible undergraduate programs of study at MBU are as follows:
    • Bachelor of Science in Education* with majors in the following areas:
      • Early Childhood Special Education (stand-alone)
      • Early Childhood Special Education with Early Childhood
      • Early Childhood Special Education with Early Childhood and Elementary
      • Early Childhood with Early Childhood Special Education
      • Special Education Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild to Moderate (stand-alone)
      • Special Education Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild to Moderate with Elementary
      • Elementary Education with Special Education Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild to Moderate
        *Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Professional Studies, or Bachelor of Science options available
    • Bachelor of Science** with majors in the following areas:
      • Middle Childhood Education: Mathematics Concentration
      • Middle Childhood Education: Science Concentration
      • Secondary Education: Mathematics
      • Secondary Education: Unified Science - Biology Concentration
      • Secondary Education: Unified Science - Chemistry Concentration
        **Bachelor of Professional Studies options available
    • Other possible teacher shortage areas are listed in the Department of Education’s Annual Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide Listing online at:
  •  Meet one of the following academic achievement requirements
    • Score above the 75th percentile on a college admissions test (e.g. SAT, ACT, or GRE), OR
    • Graduate from high school with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 (on a 4.0 scale) to receive a grant as a freshman,
    • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 (on a 4.0 scale) on college coursework to receive a grant for each subsequent term.
  • Sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve (ATS) and respond to requests by the U.S. Department of Education confirming your continuing intention to meet the teaching obligation. The ATS is available electronically at
  • Complete a TEACH Grant Eligibility Worksheet:

TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve and Promise to Pay

Each year you receive a TEACH Grant, you must sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve and Promise to Pay (service agreement) which is available electronically on the Department of Education website The TEACH Grant service agreement specifies the conditions under which the grant will be awarded, the teaching service requirements, and includes an acknowledgment by you that you understand that if you do not meet the teaching service requirements you must repay the grant as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, with interest accrued from the date the grant funds were first disbursed.

Teaching Obligation

To avoid repaying the TEACH Grant with interest you must be a highly-qualified, full-time teacher in a high-need subject area for at least four years at a school serving low-income students. You must complete the four years of teaching within eight years of finishing the program for which you received the grant. You incur a four-year teaching obligation for each educational program for which you received TEACH Grant funds, although you may work off multiple four-year obligations simultaneously under certain circumstances. Specific definitions of these terms are included below.

Highly-Qualified Teacher

You must perform the teaching service as a highly-qualified teacher, which is defined in federal law. The definition can be found online at:

Full-Time Teacher

You must meet the state’s definition of a full-time teacher and spend the majority (at least 51 percent) of your time teaching one of the high-need subject areas. Elementary teachers who teach many subjects would not be able to fulfill their service agreement.

High-Need Subject Areas

  • Bilingual Education and English Language Acquisition
  • Foreign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Reading Specialist
  • Science
  • Special Education (all areas)
  • Other teacher shortage areas listed in the Department of Education’s Annual Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide Listing:

Schools Serving Low-Income Students

Schools serving low-income students include any elementary or secondary school that is listed in the Department of Education’s Annual Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits at:


You must respond promptly to any requests for information or documentation from the U.S. Department of Education, even if they seem repetitive. These requests will be sent to you while you are still in school as well as once you are out of school. You will be asked regularly to confirm that you either still intend to teach or that you are teaching as required. You must provide documentation to the U.S. Department of Education at the end of each year of teaching.

If you temporarily cease enrollment in your program of study or if you encounter situations that affect your ability to begin or continue teaching, you will need to stay in touch with the U.S. Department of Education to avoid your grants being converted to loans before you are able to complete your teaching obligation.

Important Reminder

Failure to complete the teaching obligation, respond to requests for information, or properly document your teaching service will cause the TEACH Grant to be permanently converted to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan with interest. Once a grant is converted to a loan it cannot be converted back to a grant!

For More Information

• For more information about pursuing a TEACH Grant-eligible program, contact Kathleen Wendt, Director of Teacher Education Certification Advising, at 314-392-2324.

• For more information regarding eligiblity for a TEACH Grant, contact Yolanda Dye, Financial Services Counselor, at 314-392-2366.

State Grants and Scholarships

The following list of state grants are subject to changes by the state which may fall outside of the publication of this catalog. For current information on Missouri Grants and Scholarships go to Students pursuing a degree or certificate in Christian Ministry, Ministry and Leadership, Worship Leadership, or Worship Arts Technology are ineligible for the Access Missouri Grant, Marguerite Ross Barnett Program, and the Bright Flight Program.

Access Missouri Grant Program

To apply, undergraduate students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Priority is given to applications completed by February 1, with additional consideration given to students who apply by April 1 if funds are still available. Eligibility is determined by the student’s EFC on the FAFSA. The student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen, a resident of Missouri, enrolled in at least 12 hours per semester, and maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Award amount is between $1,500 and $2,850 for the year. Students pursuing a degree or certificate in Christian Ministry, Ministry and Leadership, Worship Leadership, or Worship Arts Technology are ineligible for this grant.

Marguerite Ross Barnett Memorial Scholarship Program

This scholarship was established for undergraduate students who are employed while attending school part-time. To be eligible a student must: 1) be enrolled at least half-time (6 semester hours) but less than full-time (12 semester hours); 2) be employed and compensated for at least 20 hours per week; 3) be at least 18 years of age; 4) demonstrate financial need; maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by Missouri Baptist University; 5) be a Missouri resident and a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen; and 6) not be pursuing a degree or certificate in Christian Ministry, Ministry and Leadership, Worship Leadership, or Worship Arts Technology. To apply, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Application deadline is August 1 for the upcoming award year.

Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship (Bright Flight)

Students whose ACT or SAT composite scores are in the top three percent of all Missouri students taking those tests may be eligible to receive an annual award of $3,000, conditional on sufficient state appropriations. Students whose ACT or SAT composite scores are in the top four and five percent of all Missouri students taking those tests may be eligible to receive an annual award of $1,000, conditional on sufficient state appropriations. The qualifying scores are re-evaluated each fall.

Undergraduate students must be enrolled for at least 12 hours each semester to receive this scholarship. Students pursuing a degree or certificate in Christian Ministry, Ministry and Leadership, Worship Leadership, or Worship Arts Technology are ineligible for this scholarship.

Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarship

This scholarship is a competitive $3,000 per year renewable award for up to four years and is available through the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE). The Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarship awards are contingent upon a match from Missouri Baptist University. Applicants must meet the following requirements: be enrolled in a program of study leading to certification in Missouri; be a Missouri resident; be African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic American, or Native American; be high school seniors, college students, or returning adults (without a baccalaureate degree) who rank in the top 25 percent of their high school class and score at or above the 75th percentile on the ACT or SAT exam or who have completed 30 college hours and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, OR individuals with a baccalaureate degree who are returning to an approved math or science teacher education program. Completed application packets must be submitted by June 1. For additional information or to download the application and reference form, go to

Undergraduate Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan Program

The amount varies up to $5,500 per year for grade level one (1); $6,500 per year for grade level two (2); and $7,500 per year for grade levels three (3) through five (5). Eligibility for Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan is need-based. This is a government-insured loan. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and meet all other federal eligibility requirements. Students must complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note at and must be enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours each semester.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan Supplement

This additional Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is for independent students as determined by the FAFSA, and for dependent students whose request for a Parent PLUS loan was denied. Parents must complete the PLUS request at The amount varies up to $4,000 per year for grade levels one and two; $5,000 per year for grade levels three through five. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and meet all other federal eligibility requirements. Students must be enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours each semester.

For students who have borrowed excess funds beyond MBU charge, refunds will be within 14 days of actual disbursement.

Federal Parent Plus Loans

This credit-based loan is available to parents for their dependent, undergraduate students. The amount of the loan varies and is limited to the cost of education minus financial aid. Parent borrowers must complete a PLUS Request and Master Promissory Note at Contact the Student Financial Services Office for information. Students must be enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours each semester and meet all other federal eligibility requirements. PLUS applications are credit-based; if the parent is deemed ineligible due to adverse credit history, the dependent student becomes eligible to receive the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan Supplement.

Employment Opportunities

Federal Work Study Program (FWS)

The number of available positions and wages a student may earn through a position are limited by the funding provided to Missouri Baptist University each year by the federal government. Positions exist in most departments throughout the university, as well as at some off-campus, community service locations. Eligibility is based on financial need. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for information:

Military Benefits and Aid

Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

University-bound high school students may apply for four-year Army ROTC scholarships. University freshmen and sophomores may apply for two- or three-year scholarships. Scholarship winners receive complete tuition and a fixed sum each semester for books and school supplies. For additional information on the ROTC program and scholarships, write:

Enrollment Officer
Washington University ROTC Department
Campus Box 1206
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4862

Or call for an appointment 314-935-5546 or 314-935-5537. Fax number is 314-935-6931. Email address is Additional information is available on the ROTC website:

Veterans Assistance (VA)

Information may be obtained from Kathie Pitts or Kathy Hammers, the VA Certifying Officials in the Records Office.

Post 911 GI Bill® and Yellow Ribbon Program

Missouri Baptist University is pleased to offer a tuition-free education to students who qualify for full benefits under the Post 911 GI Bill. Veterans must have served more than 36 cumulative months of active duty since Sept. 10, 2001. To determine eligibility for Post 911 GI Benefits or to apply, visit For information on MBU’s Yellow Ribbon Program, which will cover the balance of tuition after Post 911 benefits are applied, contact the VA Certifying Official in the Records Office or Student Financial Services Office. The MBU Yellow Ribbon match will automatically be awarded to students for whom the institution receives Post 911 GI Bill funds. Students must be eligible for 100% of the Post 911 GI Bill to qualify for Yellow Ribbon.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Montgomery GI Bill

The Montgomery GI Bill predates the Post 911 GI Bill and is applicable to students who do not qualify, or are not eligible for full benefits, under the new GI Bill. Tuition benefits vary by type of educational program, length of service, military rank and applicable kickers. To determine eligibility for benefits or to apply, visit

Vocational Rehabilitation

The federal government provides numerous benefits through the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. Specific questions pertaining to benefit eligibility at Missouri Baptist University should be directed to Elizabeth Poeling, Associate Director of Student Financial Services/VA Certifying Official.

Undergraduate Institutional Financial Aid

Institutional aid consists of all scholarships and grants that are funded by the University, including tuition, fee waivers, and concessions. Undergraduate students may receive external and institutional aid up to the tuition and fee allowance for commuter students, or tuition, fees, room, and board for resident students. This excludes loans and other restrictions may apply. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for details.

Undergraduate students MUST enroll in at least twelve credit hours to be eligible for institutional aid unless otherwise noted. Eligible students are notified via award letter and/or myMBU Access student portal. A student who attends less than 50% of chapel/convocation programs in any one semester is placed on disciplinary probation. Any student placed on disciplinary probation may forfeit all institutional financial assistance.

Scholarships, grants, and concessions may be forfeited at any time because of undesirable conduct or failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Many scholarships require a minimum cumulative grade point average greater than 2.0 to renew.

Institutional financial assistance is administered by the Office of Student Financial Services. Any appeals of financial aid awards should be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Committee. Only written appeals will be addressed. Fax and email are permitted: 314-744-5320 or

Undergraduate Scholarships

Undergraduate scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, special talents, and financial need. Awards are given on a first come, first served basis. Institutional scholarships require full-time, Main campus enrollment, unless otherwise noted, and are only awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters. To apply, undergraduate students must have completed their admission and financial aid files.

All undergraduate scholarships and/or separate applications must be completed and submitted to the Student Financial Services Office by the deadlines listed at the beginning of the Financial Support section of the catalog under Important Dates.

Scholarships are awarded upon admission and do not increase in subsequent years.

National Merit Finalist or Semi-Finalist:

Missouri Baptist University offers scholarships covering up to full tuition, room, board, books, and fees for undergraduate students selected as National Merit Finalists or Semi-Finalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and the National Merit Minority Scholarship Foundation. Recipients must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale to renew the award.

Full Trustee:

These scholarships for up to 100 percent of tuition are awarded to two students per academic year based on the following criteria: Freshman - 30 or higher on the ACT or 1320 or higher on the SAT. An annual competition is held in February for the new fresman recipients to be selected. The student must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to renew the award.

Partial Trustee:

Scholarships are available for up to $13,000 per year, based on the following criteria: Freshman - score 27 or higher on the ACT and have a 3.5 or higher cumulative grade point average. The student must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to renew the award.


These scholarships are available for up to $10,500 per year for freshmen and $10,000 per year for transfers, based on the following criteria: Freshman - score 23 or higher on the ACT and have a 3.4 or higher cumulative grade point average. Undergraduate transfer - 12 or more credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to renew the award. DEAN’S: These scholarships are available for up to $9,000 per year for freshmen and $8,500 per year for transfers, based on the following criteria: Freshman - score 20 or higher on the ACT and have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average. Undergraduate transfer - 12 or more credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The student must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to renew the award.


These scholarships are available for up to $7,000 per year for freshmen and $7,000 per year for transfers, based on the following criteria: Freshman - score 18 or higher on the ACT and have a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average. Undergraduate transfer - 12 or more credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to renew the award.

Map Achievement Scholarship:

This $1,000 scholarship is available to a limited number of first-time freshmen who meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s criteria for advanced scores on the MAP test and may be stacked with academic scholarships.

St. Louis Community College Scholarship:

These scholarships are available for up to $9,000 per year to students transferring from St. Louis Community College or St. Charles Community College with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 and 42 credit hours.

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship:

These scholarships are available for up to $2,000 per year to students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa. Students must present proof of membership in good standing.

Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarships:

Missouri Baptist University may match up to 10 scholarships of $1,000 per academic year as awarded by the State of Missouri to Missouri residents enrolled in an accredited teacher training program. The award may total up to $3000 per academic year ($2000 from the State of Missouri, $1000 from MBU). This award is renewable for up to four years. Deadline for application to the State of Missouri is February 15 for the upcoming academic year. Criteria are listed under the Federal and State Grants and Scholarships section of this catalog. This award applies to any MBU campus.


This scholarship is available to Christian students pursuing a major in Christian Ministry, Ministry and Leadership, Worship Arts Technology, or Worship Leadership, a minor in Christian Studies, Religion, Worship Leadership, or Worship Studies, or the Associate of Science in Christian Ministry. Applicants for this undergraduate scholarship must submit a letter verifying public commitment to participate in a ministry of preaching, youth, religious education, music, or missions. This scholarship is renewed each year, and the student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Apply each year.
  2. Attend 80 percent of the Ministerial Alliance meetings each year.
  3. Attend a local church on a regular basis.
  4. Participate in ministry activities each year (100 hours for a major, 50 hours for a minor).
  5. Participate in service activities for the University each year (100 hours for a major, 50 hours for a minor).

Students must register for CEWL 010/020 Ministerial Scholarship each semester and submit all of the required paperwork each year to the Ministerial Scholarship Committee via myMBU Learn. When all of the paperwork is submitted properly, the student qualifies for an interview with the Ministerial Scholarship Committee. Students who have completed this interview will then be awarded scholarship amounts based on academic criteria, student development, and such program specific requirements. Students must be interviewed and approved by October 1 for the full year award and by February 1 for the Spring semester only award.

Undergraduate Concessions and Grants

Undergraduate concessions and grants are awarded to students meeting certain standards or qualifications. This is gift assistance and does not have to be repaid. To apply, students must have completed their admission and financial aid files. Applicants may also need a recommendation from a faculty member or pastor to meet the eligibility requirements. Grants are budgeted and awarded on a limited basis. The University reserves the right to refuse a qualified applicant based on depletion of funds, enrollment status, and campus of attendance. Institutional grants require full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted. Students attending Regional Learning Centers or taking distance learning courses may receive limited institutional grants at a prorated award amount. Unless otherwise noted, undergraduate concessions and grants are only awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters.

Alumni Concession:

All recipients of a Missouri Baptist University baccalaureate degree are eligible to receive a concession on future coursework of:

  1. One half of undergraduate tuition on the Main campus and at the Troy/Wentzville Regional Learning Center.
  2. $750 concession per semester of full-time enrollment (6+ hours) in 500-level courses at tuition rates equal to or exceeding Main Campus rates. This concession is only applicable to courses offered by Missouri Baptist University. Some restrictions do apply.

Alumni Dependent Grant:

The spouse or dependent children of a Missouri Baptist University graduate who has completed a baccalaureate degree at Missouri Baptist University is eligible to receive a grant of up to $2,000 annually. This applies to undergraduate tuition only.

Christian High School Graduate Grant:

A renewable grant of up to $1,000 is available to first-time freshmen who have graduated from a Christian high school. A letter from the school is required in the first year.

Christian Service Dependent Grant:

Available to undergraduate students who are spouses or dependent children of ministers, missionaries, full-time church officials, employees of Southern Baptist agencies or administrators of Christian schools. This grant of up to $2,000 annually requires an application for the Christian Service Dependent Grant from the agency of employment.

Church Matching Grant:

Church contributions given on behalf of an undergraduate student will be matched up to $500 per semester, not to exceed $1,000 per year. The church check or the signed church contract from the church must be submitted to the Student Financial Services Office by October 1st.

Denominational Grants:

A renewable grant of up to $1,000 annually for undergraduate students who are active members of a Southern Baptist church.

Excel Grant:

This grant of up to $500 is available to incoming first-time freshmen who have completed at least six (6) credit hours through the Missouri Baptist University EXCEL program. This grant is available for the first year only.

Faculty/Staff Undergraduate Concession:

All full-time employees, and their legal dependents under the age of 25, may be eligible to receive a full-tuition concession as full- or part-time undergraduate students. The employee must complete one year of full-time service in order to be eligible for the concession. The maximum award is limited to the cost of full-time Main campus tuition and is available for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

Faculty/Staff Graduate Concession:

All full-time employees may be eligible to receive a 50% tuition concession on Masters and Education Specialist programs and 25% on Doctorate programs. The employee must complete one year of full-time service in order to be eligible for the concession, which is available for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

Family Award:

A concession of $2,000 annually may be awarded to undergraduate students from the same immediate family household (including parents and their dependents, siblings who are both dependent according to the FAFSA, and spouses) who are enrolled during the same semester as full-time students.

Law Enforcement Grant:

A grant of up to one-third tuition is available to both full- and part-time undergraduate students, on the Main campus only, who are majoring in Criminal Justice and who are employed as law enforcement officers in the St. Louis area. To be eligible, students must submit proof of employment, such as a letter from their department’s police chief or other official, at the beginning of each semester or term.

Missouri Boy’s State/Girl’s State:

This grant of up to $1,500 annually is available to incoming first-time freshman who completed the Missouri Boy’s or Girl’s State program. The grant is renewable each year, but not to exceed 5 years total, and requires a 2.8 GPA to renew. Initial recipients must present proof they completed the program.

Performance Grant:

Awards are based on the talent and participation of the undergraduate student in the areas of music and athletics. Detailed information may be obtained from specific departments. Amounts vary. FULL-TIME MAIN CAMPUS ENROLLMENT IS REQUIRED.

Resident Assistant Concession:

Students selected by the Director of Resident Life and the Senior Vice President for Student Development/Associate Provost to serve as Resident Assistants in the residence halls receive a concession of current room and board charges for each semester of service.

Senior Adult Concession:

Students over the age of 60 may be eligible for up to six hours of tuition per semester - Fall, Spring, and Summer - for undergraduate courses only. The student is responsible for all other applicable fees. Proof of age is required (e.g. driver’s license, birth certificate, or passport).


The following endowments fund the Missouri Baptist Scholarship Program. Some endowments are awarded according to specific criteria.

Acrux Staffing Scholarship - Established by the Hermanns Family Foundation and partially funds a scholarship for a senior who has excelled in Christian community service.

The Alumni Association of Missouri Baptist University Scholarship Endowment - Established by the Alumni Association of Missouri Baptist University and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University scholarship for a junior or senior student.

The E. J. Anderson Memorial Endowment - Established by the Anderson Fund and partially funds scholarships for students active in their church.

The Ballard Memorial Fund - Established by the Ballard Fund.

The Peggy Bay Endowment - Established by the Peggy Bay Fund and partially funds a scholarship in music.

The Mata V. Bear Endowment - Established by the Mata V. Bear Fund and partially funds a scholarship in education.

The Edgar E. and Gertrude F. Blake Memorial Endowment - Established by the Blake Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Velva Belle Boggs Endowment - Established by the Boggs Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Walter R. Brown Endowment - Established by the Brown Fund and partially funds a scholarship for a student from the City of St. Louis.

The Leta Fern Bywaters Endowment - Established by the Bywaters Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The John W. Chancellor Memorial Endowment - Established by Mrs. Betty Keistler and partially funds a scholarship for a student majoring in business or pre-law.

The Rufus R. Crozier Endowment - Established by the Crozier Fund and partially funds a ministerial scholarship.

The Clarence and Lois Dehart Endowment - Established by the Dehart Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The DeLozier Endowment - Established by the DeLozier Fund and partially funds a scholarship in ministry.

The Edmundson Road Baptist Church Endowment - Established by the Edmundson Road Baptist Church Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Virginia L. Field Memorial Endowment - Established by the Virginia L. Field Memorial Fund and funds a scholarship for an academically excellent, full-time, evangelical Christian student.

The Fitzgerald-Chaney Endowment - Established by the Fitzgerald-Chaney Fund and partially funds a scholarship in education.

The Dallas and Rosalie Frillman Memorial Endowment - Established by the Frillman Fund and partially funds scholarships for students to participate in international study.

The Harold E. Fry, Sr. Memorial Endowment - Established by Mrs. Yvonne Fry and partially funds a scholarship in ministry.

The Mr. and Mrs. Sardis E. Glascock Endowment - Established by the Glascock Fund and partially funds a scholarship in ministry.

The Glen Echo John Ogden Endowment - Established by the Echo-Ogden Fund and partially funds scholarships for students preparing for a church related vocation.

The Dan and Marilyn Glore Endowment Fund - Established by Dan and Marilyn Glore to benefit the Missouri Baptist University Regional Learning Center at Jefferson College.

The Hale Endowment - Established by the Hale Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Hamel-Littlefield Memorial Endowment - Established by John and Kay Littlefield and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Harding Memorial Endowment - Established by the Harding Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Etta Cranor and J.O. Hassler Memorial Endowment - Established by the Hassler Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Jim and Doris Helvey Endowment - Partially funds a scholarship for a student who demonstrates financial need.

The Brian and Wanetta Henry Endowment - Partially funds a scholarship for a student who demonstrates financial need.

The Arthur and Audre Hunn Endowment - Established by the Hunn Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Immanuel Endowment - Established by the Immanuel Fund and partially funds scholarships for students pursuing a church-related vocation.

The Jera Foundation Endowment - Partially funds a scholarship for students in Owensville, Missouri and/or surrounding areas.

The Frank B. Kellogg Scholarship - Established by the Gateway Foundation and partially funds scholarships for students majoring in a health-related field.

The Kraemer Memorial Endowment - Established by the Kraemer Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Pat Lacey Endowed Music Scholarship - Established by Alton and Pat Lacey to encourage and support music students pursuing a concentration in vocal performance.

The Michael and Bailey Lake Educational Fund - Established to provide student scholarships giving preference to students from Crestwood Baptist Church, a church affiliated with the St. Louis Baptist Association, or a student preparing for the ministry.

The David Love Special Need Scholarship - Established by the Love Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship for a physically challenged student.

The Forrest A. Lowery Endowment - Established by the Lowery Fund and partially funds scholarships for students preparing for a church-related vocation.

The Louis A. “Dink” Marler Memorial Endowment - Established by the Marler Fund and partially funds textbooks for needy ministerial students.

The Mayfield Endowment - Established by the Mayfield Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Hazel O. McCoy Endowment - Established by the McCoy Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

Harris and Lucille Meacham Endowment Fund - Established by the Meacham Fund to provide scholarships for students participating at Hong Kong Baptist University or church vocation students

The George and Lucille Meyer Memorial Endowment - Established by the Meyer Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Miller Endowment - Established by the Miller Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Missouri Baptist University Endowment - Established by the Missouri Baptist University Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Missouri Baptist Convention Endowment - Established by the Missouri Baptist Convention and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The A. Marvin and Louise Mullis Endowment - Established by the Mullis Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Muncy Fellows Memorial Endowment - Established by the family of Dr. W.L. Muncy, Jr. and is awarded as a part of the Muncy Institute for Evangelism.

The President Emeritus Endowment - Partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Gordon Psalmonds Memorial Endowment - Established by the family and friends of Dr. Gordon Psalmonds.

The Ridings Endowment - Established by the Ridings Education Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Robb Endowment - Established by the Robb Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Louis C. Roberts Memorial Endowment - Established by the Roberts Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Kimberly Preston Schueler Memorial Endowment - Established by the Preston Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University scholarship for an English major.

The Smallwood Endowment - Established by the Smallwood Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Faith A. Seguin Smith ‘75 Endowment - Partially funds a scholarship for students pursuing a Music or Music Education degree.

The Nelson E. and Maxine A. Smith Family Trust - Established by the Smith Fund and partially funds a scholarship for full-time Southern Baptist students who are preparing for a church-related vocation.

The Southwestern Bell Telephone Endowment - Established by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Fund and partially funds a scholarship for a student majoring in communications.

The Judge Aytchmonde P. Stone, Jr. Endowment - Established by the Stone Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Mrs. Aytchmonde P. Stone, Jr. Endowment - Established by the Stone Fund and partially funds a scholarship for a student in pre-nursing.

The Dorothy Elizabeth Tabor Endowment - Established by the Tabor Fund and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

The Timothy Fund - The Timothy Fund was established to provide a scholarship for graduate students pursuing a degree in counseling or undergraduate students pursuing a degree in education.

The Union Pacific Endowment - Established by the Union Pacific Foundation and partially funds a scholarship for a student from the City of St. Louis.

The University Heights Baptist Church Endowment - Established by the University Heights Baptist Church of Springfield, Missouri, and partially funds a Missouri Baptist University institutional scholarship.

Jimmy and Lois Waltrip Memorial Endowment Fund - Established by the Waltrip Fund and partially funds an institutional scholarship.

The Elmer Whitney Endowment - Established by the Elmer Whitney Student Aid Fund and partially funds a scholarship for a student preparing for a church-related vocation.

The William T. Winning, Jr., and Lillian A. Winning Endowment - Established by the Winning Fund and partially funds an institutional scholarship.

The Stash Zabriski Memorial Fund - Established by the family of Steven Zabriski will partially fund a scholarship for a student in the Health and Sports Sciences Division.