Feb 18, 2025
Missouri Baptist University 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Marketing, BS (MBU Online)
Business Core Requirements
Total: 42 Hours
1Bachelor of Science Degree Requirement credit hours 2See the catalog section on Senior Permission for information on earning graduate credit for this course. †For students majoring in Healthcare Management, these requirements are met by courses in the Healthcare Management Core. The Business Administration minor will be granted to all majors in the College of Business & Entrepreneurship, except Business Administration, Applied Management, and Organizational Leadership, because of completing the minor requirements. Marketing Major Requirements
Required Marketing Courses
Required Electives
Six (6) hours of electives from the following: Note(s)
- At least six hours of major and three hours of minor must be earned at Missouri Baptist University
- A grade of D is not acceptable in courses taken to fulfill the requirements for a major or minor
- If a substitution has been made, attach a copy of the signed approval and indicate the course number and title following the catalog requirement. Please include the date of the substitution.
Requirements for degree conferral: -
At least 24 of the last 32 hours taken at Missouri Baptist University -
Cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 on a 4.00 scale (those seeking certification must achieve a GPA of 2.75) -
At least 42 hours of Upper Division (54 for a dual degree) -
At least 120 total credit hours (144 for a dual degree) |