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    Feb 18, 2025  
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Fees and Financial Information


Business Office Master Promissory Note (BOMPN)

A Business Office Master Promissory Note (BOMPN) must be completed by all students at the beginning of their current course of study. Undergraduate students who have had a break in their attendance of at least one semester and graduate students who have had a break in attendance of at least two semesters (excluding summer sessions) are required to file a readmit application online and complete a new BOMPN. Main campus students must complete the BOMPN in the Student Financial Services Office prior to receiving their student ID card and course schedule prior to the beginning of classes for the first semester of enrollment. Regional Learning Center students may complete the BOMPN at the site they are attending or in the Student Accounts Office. Graduate students may submit the BOMPN with their Graduate Admission packet or complete one with their assigned Graduate Advisor. Any student may also download the BOMPN and complete it following the directions on the website:

The completed form may either be faxed to the Student Financial Services Office at 314-744-5320 or mailed to:

Student Financial Services Office
Missouri Baptist University
One College Park Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141

There is no charge for the completion of this note and it does not take the place of a payment agreement. Classes will not be moved to official status without a completed BOMPN for the current program of study on file.

Payment of Accounts

All accounts are due and payable prior to the first day of classes each semester. The University offers a variety of financial aid to assist students in paying accounts, which are described in the catalog section on financial aid, scholarships, military and veterans’ benefits. All institutional and external aid applications must be completed and submitted to the Student Financial Services Office at least ten working days prior to the first day of classes. The student is responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of all applications. Should arrangements for payment appear necessary, such arrangements should then be made with the Student Financial Services Office in order to finalize official registration. Payments may be made through myMBU Access located online at The University also honors Discover, MasterCard, and VISA credit cards.

Semester Expenses (Excluding Textbooks)

The following fees are in effect for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Main Campus

Fall and Spring Semesters, Full-Time (12-18 hours):  
Comprehensive Tuition $14,538.00
Overload Fee, per credit hour over 18 $967.00
Student Services Fee $736.00
Athletic fee, per term $50.00
Nursing Program Fee, per term $1,500.00
Fall and Spring Semesters, Part-Time (less than 12 hours):  
Tuition, per credit hour $1,005.00
Student Services Fee, per credit hour $31.00
Winterim/Summer Semester:  
Comprehensive Tuition (9-15 hours) $7,537.00
Tuition, per credit hour $837.00
Student Services Fee, per credit hour $30.00
Parking Fees for Full- and Part-Time:  
Fall and Spring (Day and Evening):  
  Parking Lots A and B $120.00
  Parking Lots C & F $91.00
  Parking Lots D, E, & G – Residence Hall Lots $91.00
  Evening/Saturday Enrollment Only $91.00
Summer and Winterim (Day and Evening):  
  All Lots $91.00
All Terms:  
Master’s & Ed.S. Tuition, per credit hour $669.00
Ed.D. Tuition, per credit hour $739.00
Fall and Spring Semesters:  
Dorm Room Deposit/Damage Fee $270.00
Apartment Room Deposit/Damage Fee $415.00
Lost Key Fee $105.00
Pillsbury-Huff & North Halls  
  Room and Board (with 15 meal plan) $4,800.00
  Room and Board (with 19 meal plan) $4,918.00
Spartan Village  
  Dorm Room and Board (with 15 meal plan) $5,369.00
  Dorm Room and Board (with 19 meal plan) $5,488.00
  Rowhouse Room and Board (with 10 meal plan) $5,781.00
  Rowhouse Room and Board (with 15 meal plan) $5,933.00
  Rowhouse Room and Board (with 19 meal plan) $6,052.00
  On Campus Apartment (with 10 meal plan) $6,665.00
  On Campus Apartment (with 15 meal plan) $6,827.00
  On Campus Apartment (with 19 meal plan) $6,941.00
Winterim/Summer Terms:  
Apartment Room Deposit/Damage Fee $415.00
Lost Key Fee $105.00
Apartment only/no food service (per month) $588.00

Off-Campus Programs

Tuition and fees at off-campus sites are charged in addition to any comprehensive undergraduate Main campus tuition and fees for full-time, undergraduate Main campus students.

Missouri Baptist University at Jefferson College  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $418.00
Missouri Baptist University at Lewis and Clark  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $418.00
Missouri Baptist University at Rend Lake  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $418.00
Missouri Baptist University in Union  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $436.00
Missouri Baptist University - Farmington  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $436.00
Missouri Baptist University in Arnold  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $436.00
Missouri Baptist University-Troy/Wentzville  
Undergraduate Tuition, per credit hour $436.00
Dual Enrollment @ Bowling Green HS, per credit hour $124.00
Buchanan HS Dual Enrollment @ MBU, per credit hour $124.00
GRADUATE (all Regional Learning Centers):  
Master’s & Ed.S. Tuition, per credit hour $557.00
Ed.D. Tuition, per credit hour $739.00
Undergraduate/Graduate Web Courses, per credit hour $617.00
Ed.D., per credit hour $739.00
Online Programs, per credit hour:  
  BPS-M&L, MSE, MSFM, MSSM $617.00
  MAC, MACM, MBA, MET, MSCJ, Ed.S. $690.00
  MSCS $497.00
  MSHL $551.00
  Adult and Online Program $463.00

Special Programs

EXCEL Dual Credit Program, per credit hour $69.00
MBU Achieve Program, per credit hour $104.00
High School Dual Enrollment on Campus, per credit hour $134.00
BJC, per credit hour $306.00
PEP, per credit hour $142.00
Special Seminars, per credit hour $115.00
Credit for Prior Learning (undergraduate and graduate)  
Portfolio Evaluation Fee, per credit hour $73.00
Portfolio Transcription Fee, per credit hour $303.00
Credit by Examination  
Advanced Standing by ACT/SAT Transcription Fee, per credit hour $80.00
Challenge Test Administration Fee, per credit hour $45.00
Challenge Test Credit by Exam, per credit hour $110.00
CLEP/DSST Credit Transcription Fee, per credit hour $80.00

Course Specific Fees

(in addition to tuition and student service fee):

Activity Course Fees  
  KACT 101A Archery, per hour $36.00
  KACT 101D Self Defense, per hour $36.00
  KACT 101G Golf, per hour $45.00
  KACT 101X Bowling, per hour $45.00
COUN 0000 Tevera Membership $200.00
EDAS WM3 Watermark 7-Year License $160.00
EDCL 4700 CPL Student Teaching Evaluation $350.00
EDSP 463/563 Individual Diagnostic and Classroom Assessment $10.00
EDUC 201 Professional Growth & Development I*  
  • Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA)** $59.00
EXSC 363 Adapted Physical Activity $10.00
EXSC 453/553 Fitness Management $80.00
EXSC 483/583 Principles of Human Performance $105.00
Field Experience Fee (EDCL 200, 211, EDCL 411/511, EDCL 420/520), per hour $36.00
  Counseling Practicum (ELPS 563 or COUN 5253) $130.00
  Counseling Internships  
        COUN 5461 $133.00
        COUN 5462 $267.00
        (ELPS 572/573/574, 573I, 583, ESPS 583) $400.00
        (COUN 5343, 5353, 5383, and 5393, 5463) $400.00
  LBCL 583 - Library Practicum, per hour  $36.00
  Psychological Examiner, Cross-Categorical Disabilities, and Reading Practicums $200.00
IDST 311 Leadership Development $110.00
SMGT 476 Sport Management Internship $64.00
SOCW 0000 MSW Professional Development $195.00
Laboratory Fee, per credit hour $36.00
  (biology, chemistry, communications, computer, exercise science, and physics laboratory courses)  
  Instrument, Piano, or Voice $120.00
MUSIC: PRIVATE INSTRUCTION (instrumental or piano)  
  MUAI or MUAP 101/301 (30 minute lesson) $188.00
  MUAI or MUAP 111/311 (45 minute lesson) $245.00
  MUAI or MUAP 112/312 (60 minute lesson) $370.00
  (includes fee for accompanist)  
  MUAV 101/301 (30 minute lesson) $250.00
  MUAV 111/311 (45 minute lesson) $339.00
  MUAV 112/312 (60 minute lesson) $490.00
Seminar Fee (CEWL 473 Christian Ministry Internship) $115.00
Student Teaching Fee (16 weeks) $520.00
Undergraduate Clinical Experience/Internship/Practicum Fee, per credit hour $36.00

*Students will receive a voucher codes with which to register for the assessment(s) associated with this course. Fees are set by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

**Required only for undergraduate, degree-seeking students

Other Fees:

(in addition to tuition and student service fee):  
ACT Residual Test Fee $60.00
Application Fee (excluding Ed.D. program) $35.00
Application Fee (Ed.D. program) $50.00
Audit Fee, per credit hour equivalent $324.00
Graduation Fee, Undergraduate (final semester only) $220.00
Graduation Fee, Graduate (final semester only) $240.00
ID Replacement Fee $25.00
Note Fee $35.00
Test Proctor Fee (Non-MBU Student) $30.00
Transcript Fee (second and subsequent copies) $10.00


Administrative Withdrawal (on first day of term) $160.00
Late Registration Penalty $30.00
Missed Test Fee $100.00
Returned Check Charge $30.00
Schedule Adjustment (after regular registration) $30.00


The ACCESS® program delivers all required course materials as part of tuition or fees. Students enrolled in courses participating in the ACCESS® program do not need to buy course materials denoted with the ACCESS® logo on the course tags in the bookstore and on the bookstore website under the Section Note of each course: Students interested in opting out of the Follett ACCESS ® program must contact the bookstore for information on doing so. 


Policies Governing Finances

Release of Student Transcript

There is a charge of ten dollars ($10.00) for each official transcript. There are additional fees for transcripts mailed to addresses outside the United States and for overnight or express mailing. The student’s account must be paid in full and all holds cleared before any transcript of credit can be issued. There will be a ten (10) day waiting period before the transcript is released if students choose to clear their account and/or pay for their transcript using a check. All requests for official transcripts must be made in writing to the Director of Records. Information on requesting a transcript may be found at request forms are available in the Records Office, Regional Learning Center offices, or online. Unofficial transcripts are available through the student portal, myMBU Access.

Delinquent Accounts

Students whose accounts are delinquent will not be permitted to register and/or return for a succeeding semester or term. In addition, transcripts will not be issued, and the student will not be permitted to participate in commencement exercises, if scheduled to graduate. Delinquent accounts are charged interest, collection fees, and court costs, when submitted to the collection agency, and will be reported to a national credit bureau.

Students have six months following their last recorded date of attendance to dispute their bill based on their attendance.

Enrollment Status Change

After the first day of the semester, any schedule adjustment will result in a $30.00 schedule adjustment fee. If a student adds or drops individual courses changing status from part-time to full-time, or full-time to part-time, semester expenses will be recalculated to reflect the changed status. Refund calculations will be made according to the refund schedule which follows.

Refund Schedules

It is understood that each student enters for at least one term, and the University assumes the expense of making provisions accordingly. Therefore, a student’s withdrawal does not materially reduce the costs to the University. Tuition refunds are pro-rated from the date withdrawal is approved by the Records Offices as follows in the case of a course load status change, such as overload to full-time, full-time to part-time, a reduction of course load within the part-time status, or complete withdrawal/dismissal from the University. Refunds for classes of non-standard term length are published in the respective class schedule.

Semester Add/Drop Dates  

Fifteen/Sixteen Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal after 1st day through end of 2nd week 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 3rd and 4th weeks 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 5th through 8th weeks 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 8th week 0% of tuition
Twelve-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal after 1st day through end of 1st week 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 2nd and 3rd weeks 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 4th through 6th weeks 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 6th week 0% of tuition
Ten-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal after 1st day through end of 1st week 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 2nd and 3rd weeks 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 4th and 5th weeks 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 5th week 0% of tuition
Eight-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal after 1st day through end of 1st week 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 2nd week 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 3rd and 4th weeks 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 4th week 0% of tuition
Five-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal after 1st day through end of 1st week 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 2nd week 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 3rd week 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 3rd week 0% of tuition
Four-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal on the 2nd day 90% of tuition
Withdrawal during 3rd day through 4th day 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 5th through 8th day 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 8th day 0% of tuition
Three-Week Classes  
Withdrawal on the 1st day (less administrative withdrawal fee) 100% of tuition
Withdrawal on the 2nd day 90% of tuition
Withdrawal after 2nd day through end of 1st week 50% of tuition
Withdrawal during 2nd week 25% of tuition
Withdrawal after 2nd week 0% of tuition


Refunds for Resident Students

This information can be found in the Occupancy Agreement portion of the housing application or the Handbook For Residential Living

Cancellation Policy for New Students. For purposes of this Agreement, “New Student” is defined as a student who has not enrolled in MBU before the upcoming semester.  If this Occupancy Agreement starts in the Fall semester, the duration is for the full academic year.  If this Agreement starts during the Spring semester, the duration is for the Spring semester only.  Students who seek to continue living in campus housing for the next academic year will complete a Resident Intent Contract in April.

  • Cancellation for Fall for New Residents. A “New Resident” is defined as a student who has not previously lived in MBU campus housing the semester prior to the upcoming or current semester.  If written notice of cancellation for the Fall semester is received by Residence Life on or before June1, the applicant is eligible for a refund of their housing deposit and full refund of housing charges.  New Residents who give written notice of cancellation for the Fall semester between June 2 and July 31 will not be eligible for a refund of their housing deposit but will be refunded Fall semester housing charges.  If written notification of cancellation for the Fall semester is received by Residence Life on or after August 1, the deposit is non-refundable and the New Resident will be charged a $1000 Cancellation fee.  Any cancellation after the first day of Fall semester classes will be subject to the terms of the cancellation policy for current students. In an exception to this policy, if a student is denied admission to the University, the student will be refunded the deposit and housing charges, but the student must request that refund by emailing the Office of Residence Life at
6/2 - 7/31 Loss of housing deposit
8/1 - 8/22 $1000 cancellation fee and loss of housing deposit
8/23 - 9/3 60% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/4 - 9/10 40% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/11 - 9/18 20% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/19 - 4/29 No refund and loss of housing deposit
  • Cancellation for Spring for New Residents. A “New Resident” is defined as a student who has not previously lived in MBU campus housing the semester prior to the upcoming or current semester.  New Residents for whom written notice of cancellation for Spring semester is received by Residence Life on or before December 1 are eligible for a refund of their housing deposit and full refund of housing charges.  If written notification of cancellation of Spring semester is received by Residence Life on or after December 2, the deposit is non-refundable and the student will be charged a $1000 cancellation fee.  Any cancellation after the first day of Spring semester classes will be subject to the terms of the regular cancellation policy for current students.   An exception to this policy, if a student is denied admission to the University they will be refunded the deposit and housing charges, but the student must request that refund by emailing the Office of Residence Life at
12/2 - 1/9 $1000 cancellation fee and loss of housing deposit
1/10 - 1/21 60% refund of housing and meal plan and loss of housing deposit
1/22 - 1/28 40% refund of housing and meal plan and loss of housing deposit
1/29 - 2/4 20% refund of housing and meal plan and loss of housing deposit
2/5 - 4/29 No refund and loss of housing deposit

Cancellation Policy for Current Students.

  • Cancellation for Current Students for Fall. If a Current Student wishes to cancel this Agreement but intends to remain enrolled at MBU, or if cancellation is necessitated by one or more of the following events: graduation, withdrawal (not including involuntary withdrawal), or academic ineligibility, he/she may cancel the Agreement provided that written notification is received by the Office of Residence Life. After August 16, 2020, a Current Student may only cancel for Fall semester by withdrawal. The table below outlines a Current Student’s financial responsibilities based on the date written notification is received in the Office of Residence Life. Please note: This table is independent of the University’s refund table for tuition and other fees.
6/1 - 8/22 $1000 cancellation fee and loss of your housing deposit
8/23 - 9/3 60% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/4 - 9/10 40% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/11 - 9/18 20% refund of housing and meal plan, and loss of housing deposit
9/19 - 4/29 No refund and loss of housing deposit

** Any student removed from MBU housing for disciplinary reasons will be responsible for all housing charges assessed for the semester he/she is removed.

If a Current Student intends to continue enrollment and chooses to vacate his/her occupancy space, he/she will be responsible for all terms of this Agreement, including housing charges for the academic year.

  • Cancellation for Current Students for Spring. The term of this Agreement includes the Spring semester.  MBU expects Student to complete the term of the Agreement. However, MBU may make the following provisions for cancellation of the Agreement. 
    • If a Current Student wishes to cancel this Agreement for Spring semester without penalty, he/she may do so only if cancellation is necessitated by one or more of the following events: graduation, voluntary withdrawal from the University, participation in a MBU program that requires Student to live away from the main campus for Spring semester, or academic ineligibility. Written notice of cancellation must be submitted by Student to Residence Life by December 1, and Student must be checked out of his/her space no later than last day of the Fall semester.
    • Any student removed from MBU housing for disciplinary reasons will be responsible for all housing charges assessed for the semester he/she is removed.