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    Feb 13, 2025  
Missouri Baptist University 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
Missouri Baptist University 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Education


Melanie Bishop, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education; Dean – Education Division

Mary Ann Bouas, Ed.S., ABD, Assistant Professor of Education; Education Division Scheduling Coordinator & Undergraduate Advisor

Sheri Brandt, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Dean – Troy/Wentzville Regional Learning Center

Amy Brinkley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Higher Education Leadership; Director of Higher Education Leadership Programs

Jim Chellew, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education; Site Coordinator, MBU in Arnold Regional Learning Center

Patrick Cleveland, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Counseling Education

*David Collum, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences; Assessment and Accreditation Data Coordinator

**Mary Ann Conaway, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling and Education; Director of Counselor Education

Tammy Cox, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education; Director of Teacher Education

Tonia Crane, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Timothy Delicath, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Research; Acting Director – Higher Education Leadership Program; Director – Office for Institutional Research and Assessment

Diane Denney, Ph.D., Professor of Education

Mark D. Engelhardt, Ph.D., Professor of Education; Education Site Coordinator, MBU-Troy/Wentzville Regional Learning Center

Amber Henry, Ed.D., Professor of Education; Associate Vice President for Extended Learning

Ed Hillhouse, Ed.D., Professor of Education

Susan K. Hladky, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Director of Field Experiences

**Clint R. Limoges, LPC, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Counseling Education

Douglas T. Morris, Ed.D., Professor of Education

Alicia Noddings, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Assistant Dean – Education Division

Lowell Pitzer, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education

**Laura Rauscher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education and Counseling

**Larry Richardson, M.S.E., Instructor of Human Services and Counseling; Coordinator for Graduate Advising

Jeanna Ryner, M.S.L.S, Instructor of Library Science; Director of Library Services

*Julia Schroeder, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Natural Sciences; Dean – Southern Illinois Regional Learning Centers

Shelton Smith, Ed.D., Professor of Education; Director of K-12 Educational Leadership Programs

***Thomas M. Smith, Ed.D., Professor of Education/Health and Sport Sciences; Associate Vice President and Director of Athletics

**Janice A. Speck, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Counseling Eduation

**C. Scully Stikes, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling and Sociology

Marsha Tierney, M.S., Assistant Professor of Education; Dean, MBU in Pacific and MBU in Union Regional Learning Centers

**C. Clark Triplett, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Sociology; Vice President for Graduate Studies and Academic Program Review

**Christine Ward, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Counseling Education

*Also listed under Natural Sciences Division
**Also listed under the Social and Behavioral Sciences Division
***Also listed under Health and Sport Sciences Division

Mission Statement: The Education Division at Missouri Baptist University seeks to develop reflective, problem-solving, professional educators of excellence from a Christian perspective; to enhance the lives of students in the classroom intellectually, spiritually, physically, and socially; and to significantly influence students through the demonstrated integration of Christian faith and learning in the classroom, so that they may become positive change agents in a globally and culturally diverse society.

This means more than simply valuing human diversity; it includes an imperative to promote equity and social justice and to intentionally prepare candidates to develop the knowledge bases, interpersonal skills, and dispositions for serving diverse populations. Preparing candidates to become agents of social change is consistent with the Christian perspective and is reflected not only in the classroom, but also in field experiences in diverse settings. Based on its mission, the unit has undertaken the task of ensuring each candidate has experiences in schools with students from varied socioeconomic backgrounds, varied racial and ethnic groups, English language learners, and exceptional learners.

The following nine standards serve as the guiding principles by which MBU’s educator preparation programs are measured:

Missouri Baptist University prepares licensure candidates who:

  1. Consistently demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and pedagogical content knowledge necessary to facilitate learning for all students, and to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, competencies, and dispositions defined as appropriate to their area of responsibility.
  2. Analyze and reflect on their practice using a variety of assessment strategies, including action research, and are committed to continued professional development.
  3. Observe and practice solutions to problems of practice in diverse clinical settings and with diverse PK-Grade 12 student populations.
  4. Use their self-awareness and knowledge of diversity to create learning environments that support their belief that through active hands-and-mind-on learning, all students can learn challenging curricula.
  5. Demonstrate and promote the strategic use of technology to enhance learning and professional practice.
  6. Support schools, students, and community through leadership, service, and personal involvement.
  7. Develop effective and supportive relationships that enhance communication among students, parents, and colleagues to facilitate learning.
  8. Exhibit empathy for and sensitivity to students and colleagues.
  9. Actively practice the profession’s ethical standards.

Drawing from a rich combination of broad-based experiences and academic preparation, the professional education faculty seeks to facilitate in each student:

  1. The development of an educational posture which is childcentered, experientially and authentically based, and consistent with a Christian perspective;
  2. The enhanced awareness of Christian moral and ethical responsibilities relative to education in a diverse and changing society;
  3. The development of critical thinking and effective problemsolving skills through a variety of traditional technologicallybased experiences;
  4. The application of experiential and research-based theories into the pedagogical process.

This program fosters in students a reflective and problem-solving heuristic (model) so that Missouri Baptist University graduates are able to make informed decisions as professional educators. The program consists of a planned integrated system (pattern) of coursework and authentic learning (field) experiences designed to enable the student to acquire a strong knowledge base and core of subject competencies, as well as to develop constructive social and personal attitudes to serve as a reflective professional in the education field. To that end, all students seeking state certification within the Education Division at Missouri Baptist University are expected to know and to be able to demonstrate their competency.

Those seeking initial certification to teach must demonstrate their competency in nine (9) standards as adopted by the Missouri State Board of Education as a part of the Missouri Standards for the Preparation of Educators (Mo-SPE).

  1. Content Knowledge Aligned with Appropriate Instruction
  2. Student Learning, Growth, and Development
  3. Curriculum Implementation
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Positive Classroom Environment
  6. Effective Communication
  7. Student Assessment and Data Analysis
  8. Professionalism
  9. Professional Collaboration

More detailed information concerning the Professional Development Folio requirements may be found in the Professional Development Folio Guide for Teachers and Library Media Specialists, available in the bookstore.

Certification Options Available

Certification Subject Area Concentration/Endorsement Grade Level Undergraduate Graduate Stand Alone/Add-on
Early Childhood (PK-3)     Birth-Grade 3 X X SA/AO
Elementary (1-6)     1-6 X X SA/AO
Middle School (5-9) Business Education   5-9 X X SA/AO
  Language Arts   5-9 X X SA/AO
Social Studies   5-9 X X SA/AO
Mathematics   5-9 X X SA/AO
ScienceSpeech/Theatre   5-9 X X SA/AO
Secondary Biology   9-12 * X SA
  Business Education   9-12 X X SA/AO
Chemistry   9-12 * X SA
Driver Education1   9-12 X X AO
English   9-12 X X SA/AO
General Science   9-12 * X SA/AO
Mathematics   9-12 X X SA/AO
Social Sciences   9-12 X X SA/AO
Speech/Theatre   9-12 X X SA/AO
Unified Science Biology
K-12 Health   K-12 X X SA/AO
  Music Vocal
Physical Education   K-12 X X SA/AO
Library Media Specialist2   K-12   X SA
Gifted Education3   K-12   X AO
Special Reading3   K-12   X AO
Special Education Early Childhood   Birth-Grade 3 X X SA/AO
  Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild/Moderate K-12 X X SA/AO
Student Services Counselor (non-certification)   K-8   X SA
  Counselor (non-certification)   7-12   X SA
Counselor   K-8   X SA
Counselor   7-12   X SA
Psychological Examiner4   K-12   X AO
Administration Elementary Principal5   K-8   X SA
  Middle School Principal6   5-9   X AO
Secondary Principal5   9-12   X SA
Special Education Director7   K-12   X SA
Superintendent8   K-12   X SA

* Post-baccalaureate certification-only
1 Teacher must be certificated in another elementary, middle school, or secondary teaching field.
2 Library Media Specialist is available as a stand-alone certification at the graduate level; students may pursue this certification in conjunction with the Master of Arts in Teaching or for certification only. Students already certified in another area may add a Library Media Specialist endorsement.
3 A valid Missouri teacher’s certificate in another elementary, middle, or secondary teaching field and two (2) years of classroom teaching experience are required.
4 A valid Missouri teacher’s certificate or student services certificate is required.
5 A valid Missouri teacher’s certificate plus two (2) years of classroom teaching experience are required.
6 A valid Missouri elementary or secondary principal’s certificate is required.
7 Certification in special education or student services, a Master of Educational Administration degree, and a minimum of two (2) years teaching experience in special education or student services are required.
8 A minimum of one (1) year of experience as a building- or district-level administrator at a public or accredited non-public school is required.

Programs Offered

The academic degree plans offered by the Education Division, with the exception of Child Development and Studies in Teaching and Learning, are designed to meet Missouri State Teacher Certification requirements. The Child Development major is intended for those individuals who desire to work in settings not requiring state teacher certification, such as daycare centers and preschools. Studies in Teaching and Learning is available for students who are not in a position to complete certification but are otherwise ready to graduate.

The Missouri Baptist University Teacher Education Program prepares professional educators for certification in both public and private educational settings at the following levels:

Early Childhood Birth-Grade 3
Elementary Grades 1-6
Middle School Grades 5-9
Secondary Grades 9-12
K-12 Kindergarten-Grade 12
Special Education:
  • Early Childhood
  • Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild to Moderate
Birth-Grade 3
Kindergarten-Grade 12
Driver Education* Grades 9-12
Gifted Education* Kindergarten-Grade 12
Special Reading* Kindergarten-Grade 12

*Requires initial certification in another field

At the middle school level, certification is offered in the following areas of concentration: Business Education, Language Arts, Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, and Speech/ Theatre. At the secondary level, certification is offered in Business Education, English, Mathematics, Social Science, Speech/Theatre, and Unified Science with an endorsement in either Biology or Chemistry. For students already holding a baccalaureate degree, certification-only programs are available in categorical sciences: Biology, Chemistry, and General Science. At the K-12 level, certification is offered in the following areas: Health, Music (vocal or instrumental), Physical Education, and Library Media Specialist (available at the graduate-level only). Special education certifications include Early Childhood (birth-grade 3) and Cross-Categorical Disabilities Mild to Moderate (K-12). Driver Education, Gifted Education (graduate only), and Special Reading (graduate only) are programs which require Missouri certification in another field. Gifted Education and Special Reading also require two years of teaching experience.

Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA)

The Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) are a part of the Missouri Standards for the Preparation of Educators (MoSPE) Standard 2 – Design and Assessment. MEGA has three objectives in identifying the right educators, evincing knowledge of content, and demonstrating a positive impact on student growth. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will be implementing MEGA in stages beginning in 2013-2014 through 2016-2017. Students will be required to complete any new assessments that are implemented during the course of their certification program as required by DESE.

Starting with the FA-13 semester, all students beginning a certification program at any level – teacher, library media specialist, school counselor, or principal – will be required to complete the Missouri Educator Profile (MEP). Students who are seeking teacher certification will complete the MEP in conjunction with EDUC 201 Professional Growth and Folio Development I  The Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA) has replaced C-BASE as the general education entry examination. Undergraduate degree-seeking students who are pursuing teacher certification will also take MoGEA in the same semester as EDUC 201 - Professional Growth and Folio Development I  (second semester of the sophomore year or first semester of enrollment for students transferring with a class rank of junior or higher).

The Missouri Content Assessments (MoCA) replace Praxis in Missouri as the content areaW exit exam beginning September 2014. Visit the MEGA website for more information or to register for the MEP, MoGEA, or MoCA.

The Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA), launched 2015-2016 statewide, is an evidence-based assessment designed for teacher candidates completing their student teaching experience. A similar competency-based assessment designed for library media specialists, the Missouri Librarian Performance Assessment (MoLPA), was also implemented in 2015-2016. For more information, visit Statewide passingscores for both assessments will be adopted effective with the 2016-2017 academic year.

Teacher Education Admission Procedures:

All candidates for Missouri State Teacher Certification must be formally admitted into the Teacher Education program at Missouri Baptist University. This process begins with the Teacher Education Admission Packet completed in conjunction with EDUC 201 - Professional Growth and Folio Development I . No student will be allowed to student teach unless he or she has been formally admitted into the Teacher Education program.

The Teacher Education Admission Packet includes the Teacher Education Program Release/Waiver Form, Application for Admission to the Teacher Education Program, Self-Assessment of Diversity Proficiencies (Admission), and Acknowledgment Form, along with submission of a current resume,* educational philosophy,* autobiographical sketch,* three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from a Missouri Baptist University faculty member), ACT or SAT scores, Missouri Educator Profile for teachers (MEP), and Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA) scores. It must be noted that no undergraduate degree-seeking candidate will be admitted into the Teacher Education program and/or be allowed to student teach without passing all sections of the required general education assessment. ** Post-baccalaureate students seeking initial certification, whether at the graduate- or undergraduatelevel, are exempt from the general education assessment requirement.

GPA Requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program, approval to student teach, and recommendation for certification:

  • 2.750 overall GPA (including all coursework from all colleges and universities attended)
  • 3.000 content area GPA, for middle, secondary, and K-12 content areas, with no grade lower than C
  • 3.000 professional education GPA with no grade lower than C

Undergraduate students may take the following 20 credit hours prior to completing the process for admission to the Teacher Education Program:

Teacher Education Program


  • EDUC 201 - Professional Growth and Folio Development I Semester Hours: One (Must be taken second semester of the sophomore year or first semester of enrollment for students transferring with a class rank of junior or higher)
  • EDUC 203 - Teaching in A Diverse Society Semester Hours: Three † (Must be taken with EDUC 201  and EDCL 200 
  • EDCL 200 - Teaching in A Diverse Society Field Experience Semester Hours: Zero
  • EDCL 211 - Teaching Field Experience I Semester Hours: One
  • EDUC 210 - Field Experience I Seminar Semester Hours: Zero (must be taken concurrently with EDCL 211 )
  • EDUC 303 - Methods of Teaching and Differentiated Instruction Semester Hours: Three
  • ECTA 323 - Curriculum, Assessment, and Data-Based Decision Making Semester Hours: Three
  • EDUC 373 - Technology and Instructional Media Semester Hours: Three
  • EDPS 383 - Psychology of Teaching and Learning Semester Hours: Three


According to Education Division policies, students who are not admitted to the Teacher Education Program are not permitted to register for 400/500-level education classes without written approval from the Dean of Education as noted on the Teacher Education Program Admission Probation Form.

Students who transfer in a course that does not include an equivalent field experience must take EDCL 200 Teaching in A Diverse Society Field Experience 
*These documents will be reviewed for mechanical errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, etc.) as well as content. The file will not be considered complete until finalrecommended revisions have been made and accepted.
**Undergraduate degree-seeking students who have not passed all sections of MoGEA but who have submitted all materials required for admission listed above, and who have passed at least two sections, may be permitted to continue taking education courses at the 400-level provided they have registered for the next available exam date and have submitted a written request for permission to continue to the Dean of the Education Division. Students who fail to pass all remaining sections of MoGEA the second time must register for tutoring and for the next available exam date, again requesting permission to continue in writing to the Dean of the Education Division. Students who fail any section(s) a third time cannot enroll for any additional education coursework until all sectionsof MoGEA have been passed.



Background Checks for Field Experience and Student Teaching Placement

A completed background check is required by most school districts prior to beginning observations in all field experiences* and for student teaching. A new background check is required each semester. All students participating in a field experience or student teaching are required to request a background check through the Family Care Safety Registry of the Department of Health and Senior Services.

Family Care Safety Registry

Missouri’s Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR) was established by law to promote family and community safety. The registry helps to protect children, seniors, and the disabled by providing access to background information. Background information consists of Missouri data only and is accessed through the following state agencies:

  • State criminal background records maintained by the Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Sex Offender Registry information maintained by the Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Child abuse/neglect records maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services
  • The Employee Disqualification List maintained by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
  • The Employee Disqualification Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Mental Health
  • Child-care facility licensing records maintained by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
  • Foster parent licensing records maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services

The DHSS provides convenient registration via the internet at

First-time registrants:

  1. Upon entering the DHSS website, click the “Register Online” link and follow all instructions. A social security number and valid credit or debit card are required. “Under Type of Worker,” click on “Voluntary.”
  2. The registration cost of $12.00 is the responsibility of the student requesting the background check. Debit and credit cards are the forms of payment accepted. There is a $1.25 processing fee.
  3. Students will receive a letter in the mail from the DHSS stating that their background check came back clear or not.
  4. It is the students’ responsibility to make a photocopy of the background check and submit the photocopy to the Teacher Education Office to be placed in their Teacher Education file.
  5. This mailed notification should be taken to the school where the student is observing.

If you are already registered:

  1. A person needs to register only one time. Click on the link, “Is A Person Already Registered?” and type in the Social Security number to verify that a person is registered with the Family Care Safety Registry.
  2. Requests for updated background screenings may be made by phone using the toll-free access line, 1-866-422-6872, between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

*To expedite placement, all students should complete the background check process before the start of the semester in which they will be participating in a field experience or at the time of the student teaching interview. Questions related to background checks for student teaching should be directed to Angela McGowan at 314-744-5323 or email If the background check is required for Field Experience I or II, please contact Vanessa Hathaway at 314-485-8488 or If the background check is required for a course other than field experience or student teaching, please contact the instructor for that course.

Background Checks for Certification

An FBI background check must be completed before the state of Missouri will issue a professional teaching certificate.

To complete a criminal history check and clearance, you will need to schedule an appointment with 3M/Cogent. You must first register with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS). MACHS is located at: If you do not have access to the Internet you may contact 3M/Cogent directly at 1-877-862-2425 to have a Fingerprint Services Representative conduct this registration on your behalf. The four-digit registration number that you will need to use for DESE is 2300. (This replaces the old ORI and OCA numbers that were previously required.) An expanded number of fingerprint services sites and expanded hours of operation to include evening and weekend hours will be available. Fingerprints captured electronically are more accurate and the results can be expected within three weeks. The cost of electronic fingerprinting with 3M/Cogent is $44.80. The results of the criminal history check and clearance are valid for one year after the clearance date posted on the DESE website. You can find more information on the fingerprint process at the following website:

Questions may also be addressed to DESE Conduct and Investigations at 573-522-8315 or 573-522-8761.

You will be responsible for the background check; DESE will not process the request for certification until the results of the Background Check are received. DESE anticipates the turn-around time will be three weeks from the time the fingerprints are captured. We recommend that you wait to do your background check until you have passed all exit assessments, since the background clearance is only effective for one year.

Field Experience and Student Teacher Placement Practices

Missouri Baptist University is proud to be accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). In order to maintain these accreditations, which are beneficial to our students, MBU must maintain consistent practices with regard to placement of student teachers. Students requesting field experience and student teacher placements through Missouri Baptist University are hereby advised of the following field experience and student teacher placement practices. Your understanding of and adherence to these practices will enhance the placement process for the student, the school districts, and the Education Division staff responsible for securing the placements.

  1. Preparation for Student Teaching begins long before students ever reach the “student teaching” semester. Students should be aware that school district administrators carefully review students’ transcripts and philosophies of education as part of the placement process. A few school districts now have a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0-3.5 for student teaching candidates. Students’ requests for student teacher placement have been denied as a result of even just a few D’s and F’s on their transcripts, even when those courses were repeated and/or if they did not apply to the students’ education major. Students are highly encouraged to be responsible for maintaining academic excellence in all coursework. Students who think that they may be struggling in a class to the point of making a D or an F are encouraged to consult with their advisor and financial aid counselor about withdrawing from the class rather than to suffer the consequences of a poor grade on their transcripts, and to take the course at another time when more effort can be devoted to the class. This is especially important forprofessional education, field experience, and major content area requirements (for middle/secondary majors), as a cumulative3.000 GPA in professional education courses and in content area courses is required for certification.
  2. Missouri Baptist University strongly believes that the student teaching experience is vital to the student’s authentic preparation for professional practice; therefore, students must be able to commit to student teaching for an entire school day, Monday-Friday, for a full semester. Effective with the 2014-2105 academic year, students seeking certification in a single content area will complete one sixteen-week teaching experience. Students seeking certification at more than one level (K-12) or in more than one content area must student teach twelve weeks at one level or content area and four weeks at the other level or content area as approved by the Dean of Education or Director of Field Experiences. In addition, students are expected to attend Student Teaching Seminar concurrently in the semester in which they will be student teaching. Students are NOT excused from Student Teaching Seminar due to contractual obligations with a school district or due to work schedules. Student Teaching Seminar is also NOT offered via “directed study.” Therefore, students should not request permission to meet with the instructor individually at an alternate time. Students with contractual obligations in a school district will need to either make arrangements with the school district to leave early, if necessary, on class dates, or may need to consider taking the class at a location that offers the class at a later time during the day.
  3. Students must be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program [including submitting and having approval for all required documents for the Teacher Education Admission Packet, passing scores on all sections of the required general education assessment (undergraduate degree-seeking students only), minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA (or higher for those districts which require a higher cumulative GPA for student teacher placement), both interviews completed, and all probationary statuses from interviews cleared] by July 15 for Fall placements and by November 20 for Spring placements. Failure to be fully approved for student teaching by these dates will result in the student’s application for student teaching being moved to the following semester, which may delay the student’s graduation date, and/or eligibility for teacher certification. These deadlines are crucial to give the Education staff appropriate time to request and confirm student teacher placements for students. For optimal placements, students are encouraged to complete all requirements to be approved for student teaching as early as possible in the semester prior to student teaching, as many districts reach their capacity for student teacher requests by mid-semester. [Certain districts and/or schools (including Festus R-VI and Hillsboro Primary) have established specific deadline dates for applications. Students should consult the School Districts That Require Additional Information for Student Teaching Placement for more information.] Please be aware that GPA requirements are changing. Beginning with the FA-13 semester, students must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.75 as well as a content area GPA of 3.00 and a professional education GPA of 3.00 (with no grades below a “C” in professional education or content area requirements) in order to be fully admitted and placed for student teaching. Students admitted under the previous 2.500 GPA requirement who do not complete certification requirements prior to 8/1/2017 will be held to the new, higher GPA standard.
  4. Students must complete Teaching Field Experience I and Teaching Field Experience II in two different districts. Early Childhood Stand-Alone candidates must complete one Field Experience in grades Pre-K/K and one Field Experience in grades 1-3. Elementary Education candidates must complete one Field Experience in grades 1-3 and one Field Experience in grades 4-6. Students seeking certification in both Early Childhood and Elementary Education should complete one Field Experience in Pre-K/K OR Grades 1-3 and one Field Experience in grades 4-6. Those seeking K-12 or dual certification should complete Field Experiences in Elem and MS/Sec. for K-12 certification and in appropriate grade levels/ subjects for each area of dual certification. Students enrolled in EDCL 211 Teaching Field Experience I  must be concurrently enrolled in EDUC 210 Field Experience I Seminar . Students enrolled in EDCL 411/511 Teaching Field Experience II  must be concurrently enrolled in EDUC 410/510 Teaching Field Experience II Seminar. Successful completion of both seminar courses with a final grade of CR is required for degree completion and/or satisfaction of certification requirements.
  5. Students who will complete the Traditional Field Experience II and student teaching must complete their student teaching in a district different from their Field Experience I and II placements. Students will be placed in the most highly diverse settings possible, and should carefully plan Field Experience and Student Teaching assignments accordingly. Students will not be permitted to complete all of their Field Experience/ Student Teaching in the same district due to their children’s enrollment in that district or non-academic contractual employment in that district (such as coaching, before or afterschool employment, bus driving duties, etc.). Students should consider these obligations and make preparations as needed well in advance of applying for student teaching, so that they are prepared for the various “life” adjustments that may be required during their student teaching experience. Students may ONLY complete all of their student teaching in the same district if they are employed by the district as a paraprofessional or on a Temporary Authorization or Provisional Certificate. In these cases, the student will be responsible for demonstrating sufficient experiences working with diverse populations. In rare cases, the Education Office may approve a student to complete his/her student teaching in the same district and/or same classroom ONLY if all other attempts to place the student elsewhere have failed. In such cases, the Education Office will first examine the diverse experiences the student has already accumulated to determine if the student has had sufficient opportunities to work with diverse populations. Therefore, it is vital that students carefully plan all field experiences prior to student teaching, both formal (Teaching Field Experience I and II) and informal (those field experiences embedded in another course), to include diverse populations so that alternative accommodations can be considered, if necessary, during student teaching.
  6. Students who apply and are accepted to complete the Yearlong Experience for Spartan Students (YESS) will complete Field Experience II and student teaching in the same district in consecutive semesters. YESS students will follow the calendar of the district rather than the Missouri Baptist University calendar and will commit to two full days per week for the field experience and the traditional five days per week during student teaching. Students will select from the approved partner schools as outlined in the YESS application.
  7. Placement requests will be submitted to only ONE district at a time. Students should be aware that a verbal “approval” from a potential cooperating teacher for placement does not guarantee official approval of the placement from the principal or district central office. The Education Office is responsible for contacting the appropriate district personnel in writing to officially request student teacher placements. Due to the busy schedules of school administrators who partner with Missouri Baptist University in student teacher placements, it can take a MINIMUM of three to four weeks to confirm a single placement. If a district is not able to place a student teacher, the process begins all over again with a new district, thereby once again, extending the time it may take to confirm a placement. Students will be notified via email and/or regular mail when a placement has been confirmed. Once students have been informed of their confirmed placement(s), they are expected to contact the cooperating teacher and building principal as soon as possible, well in advance of the start date, to get acquainted and to begin making any preparations (at the cooperating teacher’s discretion) for the student teaching experience.
  8. Once the Education Office has submitted a student teaching request to a district, requests from students to make a change to their placement may not be considered until/unless the original district indicates that they are not able to accommodate the request. Once a placement is confirmed, requests from students to make a change to their placement will not be considered, except in very rare circumstances, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If students encounter unforeseen circumstances which they believe will prevent them from fulfilling their student teaching in the district assigned, they have the option to choose to withdraw from student teaching. However, that does not constitute a necessity for the Education Division to reassign the student to another district in that same semester. Voluntary, self-imposed withdrawal or dismissal by the school district from a student teaching placement may result in the student’s forfeiture of eligibility to complete student teaching in that semester, and may require that the student reapply for student teaching in a subsequent semester, if more adequate time is needed to devote to securing a new placement for the student. All requests for reassignment must be discussed in person with the Director of Field Experiences before any further action regarding reassignment will be taken. Please note that proximity of the placement to the student’s home/daycare provider is NOT considered a valid reason for withdrawal from a confirmed placement. While the Education Division staff will make every effort to place students as close to their residences/daycare facilities/children’s schools as possible, due to shortages in districts with available openings for student teachers, it is not always possible to place students in neighboring school districts. Students should be prepared to travel up to 30-45 minutes to and from student teaching.
  9. All students are REQUIRED to attend Student Teaching Orientation held on the Main Campus (usually the first week in August for Fall semester student teachers and the week after Fall semester final exams in December for Spring semester student teachers) prior to beginning their student teaching. Letters are mailed to students approximately one month prior to the Student Teaching Orientation date informing students of the date, time, and location of the meeting. Students who cannot attend the established orientation, should notify the Director of Field Experiences as soon as possible and will be required to attend a make-up orientation, scheduled by the Director of Field Experiences, before they may begin student teaching. Failure to attend the initial orientation meeting may result in the student having to delay the start date of his/her student teaching; therefore, extending the ending date (which may occur after the semester officially concludes and/ or graduation). Student Teacher Orientation (one day seminar) should NOT be confused with EDUC 471 Student Teaching Seminar  (full-semester class). Attendance at both is required.

Missouri Baptist University is committed to providing pre-service students with a quality student teaching experience and desires to make the placement process as smooth as possible for all parties involved. Please understand that we strive to maintain positive relationships with the partnering school districts and value their time, effort, and hospitality involved in this process as well. It is only through their cooperation that field experience and student teaching placements are possible. These practices are as much to respect the school districts’ needs for timely requests and quality candidates as they are to accommodate the needs of our students. If you should have any questions regarding field experiences, student teaching, and/or the placement process, please feel free to contact the Director of Field Experiences. We desire for all of our student teachers to be successful, and that begins with mutual collaboration in the placement process to ensure quality placements for all of our students.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Portfolio Credit for Student Teaching: Students desiring to petition for credit for a portion of their student teaching experience must have a minimum of two years of classroom instructional experience in the grade level and/ or subject area for which they are seeking certification in order to apply. The experience must be in a public or accredited private school and must be concurrent with enrollment in the Teacher Education Program. To determine eligibility, the student must first complete a CPL conference with the Dean of Education or his/her designee at least one semester prior to the anticipated student teaching semester. Students must be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program and have passed the student teaching interview before CPL credit may be awarded.

Year-long Experience for Spartan Seniors (YESS)

Elementary, Early Childhood, Middle School, and Secondary teacher certification candidates may apply to complete Field Experience II and Student Teaching in a Missouri Baptist University partner school. Students who are accepted for the YESS program will agree to the following:

  • Forego the traditional Missouri Baptist academic calendar and follow the district school calendar for both semesters.
  • Attend the regular school day for the two required days during the Field II experience, spending time in various classrooms at the site.
  • Attend the co-requisite seminar course for Field Experience II at the school site.
  • Attend the regular school day five days a week during the student teaching semester.
  • Will have opportunities to participate in school and district based professional learning, participate in grade level and data team meetings, attend parent teacher conferences and Individual Education Plan meetings, and substitute for the school/district (if eligible for a substitute certificate), among others.

YESS gives students the opportunity to experience a complete school year from beginning to end. Students will work with and support teachers who have a variety of teaching styles and methods that will enhance the student’s development as a teacher, while supporting student learning and achievement.

Information and application materials can be obtained from your advisor or the Director of Field Experience.

Student Teaching Load Limit Policy

During the student teaching semester and/or while completing the Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA), undergraduate students must limit their course work to no more than 16 semester hours, and graduate students must limit their course work to no more than 13 semester hours.

General Certification Requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree from a college or university having a teacher education program approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) or from a college or university having a teacher education program approved by the state education agency in states other than Missouri;
  2. Must have recommendation of designated official for teacher education in the college or university;
  3. Must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.75 as well as content area and professional education GPA’s of 3.00 (with no grades below a “C” in professional education or content area requirements);
  4. Must complete the content area test(s) and performance assessment designated by the State Board of Education with a score equal to or greater than the Missouri qualifying score*;
  5. Completion of professional requirements, as determined by the recommending college or university, which may exceed the minimum requirements established by DESE; and
  6. Individuals who are not U.S. citizens must complete coursework in the following:
    1. English Composition, two (2) courses, each a minimum of two (2) semester hours;
    2. U.S. History, three (3) semester hours; and
    3. U.S. Government, three (3) semester hours.

*DESE has changed the assessment requirements for certification.The Missouri Content Assessments (MoCA) have replaced the Praxis Series as the content area exams. Visit the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) website at for more information or to register for the MEP, MoGEA, or MoCA. For information on the Missouri Performance Assessment (MoPTA), go to

In addition, DESE requires that each undergraduate applicant for formal admission to an approved professional education program demonstrate basic educational competencies by achieving a passing score, as determined by the State Board of Education, for all sections of the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA) prior to his/her admission to the program. DESE also requires specific coursework to be completed for each subject area and level, which is subject to change. Such changes supersede published catalog requirements. Current requirements may be found in the University Catalog and on Degree Plan Worksheets available from academic advisors. To ensure that all state certification requirements are being met, candidates are required to have a graduation certification check completed in the Education Office during their junior year.

Program Completion Requirements for Initial Teacher Certification:

(required for both degree-seeking and certification-only students)

  1. Successful completion of the Professional Development Folio the semester prior to student teaching.
  2. Successful completion of certification program required coursework.
  3. An overall cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale, including a minimum 3.0 GPA within the content area (for middle and secondary) with no grade lower than a C, and a minimum 3.0 GPA in professional education courses with no grade lower than a C. DESE requires that all coursework from all institutions attended be included in the cumulative grade point average.
  4. Successful completion of Student Teaching which includes the following:
    1. Successful completion of the exit Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)
    2. A passing score on the Missouri Content Assessments (MoCA) which replaced the Praxis Series as the contentarea exit exams for certification beginning in September 2014.
    3. Satisfactory Formative Evaluations and a satisfactory Summative Evaluation for the student teaching experience

Teacher Education Assessment Phases and Program Evaluation

A systematic plan for assessment has also been developed for teacher education candidates. Candidates are evaluated at each phase of the program with decisions made by the Teacher Education Council to recommend or reject candidates for further study. The steps in this evaluation system follow:

Undergraduate Level

  1. Application to Professional Standing
    1. Submit Teacher Education Admission Packet:
      1. Admissions Packet:
        1. Application forms
        2. Philosophy of education
        3. Resume
        4. Autobiographical sketch
        5. Three letters of recommendation
        6. ACT or SAT score (or exemption request)
        7. Completion of the Missouri Educator Profile (MEP)
      2. Evidence of successful completion of coursework
      3. Passing score on all sections of MoGEA (undergraduate degree-seeking students only/post-baccalaureate  ertification and graduate students are exempt)
      4. Establish 2.75 cumulative GPA/3.00 in content area and professional education
    2. Preparation for admission interview
      1. Philosophy of Education
      2. Autobiographical Sketch
      3. Reflection on one MoSPE standard with supporting artifacts 
    3. Interview with Education Faculty – Results:
      1. Recommendation of acceptance to professional standing 
      2. Probation with recommendation(s) of additional coursework
      3. Student appeal of recommendation(s) to Teacher Education Council
    4. Education Division Faculty review of recommendation(s) from interview - Results:
      1. Accept recommendation(s)

      2. Modify recommendation(s)

      3. Reject recommendation(s)

  2. Application to Internship (Student Teaching)
    1. Transcript analysis
      1. Identification of special circumstances
      2. Determine progress in professional pre-service program
    2. Preparation for interview
      1. Updated philosophy of teaching and learning
      2. Updated professional resume
      3. Reflection on four MoSPE standards with supporting artifacts
    3. Interview with Education Faculty – Results:
      1. Recommendation to place in Internship (Student Teaching)
      2. Recommendation to enroll pre-service teacher in EDCL 451-456 for additional experience
      3. Student appeal of recommendation to Teacher Education Council
    4. Education Division Faculty Review – Results:
      1. Accept recommendation(s)
      2. Modify recommendation(s)
      3. Reject recommendation(s)
  3. Exit Tasks and Requirements
    1. Successful completion of the Professional Development Folio prior to Student Teaching
    2. Successful completion of all pre-service professional coursework (grade of C or above/3.00 GPA)
    3. Successful completion of Internship (Student Teaching)
      1. Passing score on Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA) for each area in which certification is being sought
      2. Successful completion of the exit Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)
      3. Grade for internship of C or above
    4. Maintain 2.75 cumulative GPA/3.00 in content area and professional education
  4. Program/Unit Survey (MoSPE Standards)
    1. Surveys of cooperating teachers
    2. Surveys of student teachers
    3. Surveys of recent graduates and administrators
    4. Education Division Faculty and Teacher Education Council will review surveys. Result:
      1. Maintain programs
      2. Modify programs

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

In order for F-1 international students to participate in any off-campus field experience, internship, practicum, or sponsored research, they must apply for CPT (Curricular Practical Training) through the Office of International Student Services. This includes courses with embedded field experiences that are interactive rather than merely observational in nature. Students enrolled in courses qualifying under the CPT guidelines must complete a CPT Application Form with their advisor and submit it to the Office of International Student Services. Courses offered by the Education Division identified as requiring the CPT Application Form are listed below. Since requirements are subject to change, students should consult with their advisor and the Director of International Student Services if there is any question whether a course might meet the criteria for CPT. This list should not be considered exhaustive.

DEPT Course # Course Title
COUN 5253 Counseling Practicum
COUN 5343 CMHC Internship I
COUN 5353 CMHC Internship II
COUN 5383 Internship in Elementary School Counseling
COUN 5393 Internship in Secondary School Counseling
ECCL 111 Pre-K Field Experience
ECCL 121 Infant/Toddler Field Experience
ECCL 466 Working with the Preschool Child
ECCL 4703, 4709, 4712, 5703, 5709, 5712 Student Teaching: Early Childhood
ECED 363 Family and Community Resources in Early Childhood Education
ECED 453/553 Role of Movement and Creative Arts in Development of the Young Child: Seminar and Field Experience
ECSP 403/503 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education: Seminar and Field Experience
ECSP 413/513 Teaching Young Children with Disabilities: Seminar and Field Experience
ECSP 4703, 5703 Student Teaching: Early Childhood Special Education
EDAD 573 Principal Capstone
EDCL 211 Teaching Field Experience I
EDCL 411/511 Teaching Field Experience II
EDCL 451-456 Pre-Service Teaching Internship
EDDR 403/503 Driver Education I: Introduction to Safety Education
EDDR 413/513 Driver Education II: Organization
EDDR 433/533 Driver Education III: Instruction
EDDR 443/543 Driver Education IV: Developing Operational Skills
EDGT 583 Practicum in Gifted and Talented Education
EDEN 453/553 Teaching Language Arts and Composition in Grades 5-12: Seminar and Field Experience
EDHE 453/553 Curriculum, Theory and Methods of Health Science for Grades K-12: Seminar and Field Experience
EDPE 433/533 Curriculum, Theory, and Methods of Physical Education in the Elementary School: Seminar and Field Experience
EDPE 453/553 Curriculum, Theory, and Methods of Physical Education in the Middle School: Seminar and Field Experience
EDPE 463/563 Curriculum, Theory, and Methods of Physical Education in the Secondary School: Seminar and Field Experience
EDPS 573 Intelligence Testing
EDPS 583 Psychological Examiner Internship
EDRD 423/523 Integration of Literacy in the Content Areas
EDRD 433/533 Foundations of Literacy Instruction for Early Childhood/Elementary: Seminar and Field Experience
EDRD 443/543 Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
EDRD 463/563 Reading and Writing Strategies for Middle/Secondary: Seminar and Field Experience
EDRD 573 Advanced Elementary Reading Disorders Practicum
EDRD 583 Advanced Secondary Reading Disorders Practicum
EDSP 433/533, 434/534 Introduction and Methods of Teaching and Inclusion for Students with Cross-Categorical Disabilities and Field Experience
EDSP 453/553 Teaching Remedial Math K-12: Seminar and Field Experience
EDSP 4703, 5703+5709 Student Teaching: Special Education Cross-Categorical Disabilities
EDSP 573 Cross-Categorical Disabilities Practicum
EDUC 203 Teaching in a Diverse Society
EDUC 673 Teachers as Leaders and Field Experience
ELAD 533 The Role of Educational Administrator as Supervisor–Elementary: Seminar and Field Experience
ELCL 4703, 4709, 4712, 5703, 5709, 5712 Student Teaching: Elementary
EMCL 4703, 4709, 4712, 5703, 5709, 5712 Student Teaching: Middle School
ESAD 533 The Role of Educational Administrator as Supervisor–Secondary: Seminar and Field Experience
ESCL 4703, 4709, 4712, 5703, 5709, 5712 Student Teaching: Secondary School
GRED 673CI Professional Portfolio and Field Experience
GRED 673S Capstone for Superintendent Certification
HUSR 543 Personality Assessment of Children, Adolescents, and Adults
LBCL 583 Library Practicum
LBCL 5703+5709 Student Teaching: Library Media Specialist


Teacher Education Timeline

Task Required Completion Timeline
Enroll in EDUC 201 Professional Growth and Folio Development I   Must be enrolled in this class in the second semester of the sophomore year or first semester of enrollment from students transferring with junior standing or better. Course must be completed prior to first interview.
Complete first draft of reflections for all 9 MoSPE standards for teachers (or 7 MoSPE standards for library media specialists) EDUC 201 Professional Growth and Folio Development I  
Complete EDUC 203 Teaching in A Diverse Society  and EDCL 200 Teaching in A Diverse Society Field Experience   Must be enrolled in these classes concurrently with EDUC 201 . Courses must be completed prior to first interview. (Students transferring with a course in lieu of EDUC 203  that does not include an equivalent field experience must still take EDCL 200 Teaching in A Diverse Society Field Experience  at MBU.)
Complete EDUC 303 Methods of Teaching and Differentiated Instruction   All students except for Music Education majors should be enrolled in this class prior to first interview, completion preferred.
Complete Teacher Education Admission Packet Complete prior to first interview in conjunction with EDUC 201 , EDUC 203 , and EDUC 303 .
Official copy of ACT or SAT on file in Education Office (or exemption request if eligible) Complete prior to first interview
Official copy of MoGEA with passing score on all sections on file (undergraduate degree-seeking student only) Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Students Only
Complete prior to first interview during same semester as EDUC 201 . (Students must pass at least 2 of the 4 or 5 scores prior to the first interview, with evidence indicating they have registered for the next scheduled exam.)
Complete Missouri Educator Profile (MEP) online Complete prior to first interview in conjunction with EDUC 201  
FIRST INTERVIEW: Approval for admission
  • All items listed above must be completed before interview is scheduled
  • In addition, a 2.75 overall cumulative GPA as well as a content area GPA of 3.00 and professional education GPA of 3.00 (with no grades below a “C” in professional education or content area requirements) are required for admission.
In conjunction with enrollment in EDUC 201, 203, and 303 for all students:
  • Students with less than a 2.75 overall cumulative GPA or less than a 3.00 in the content area or professional education must have a plan to raise GPA.
  • Undergraduate degree-seeking students with at least 2 of the 4 or 5 scores on the MoGEA passed may be accepted for probationary admission only. All sections must be passed to be fully admitted.
Faculty Vote and Formal Approval for Admission Letter will be sent to student with notice of formal faculty approval for admission
Graduation/Certification Check When enrolled in EDUC 201  or first semester of junior year
Complete final draft of reflections for all 9 MoSPE standards for teachers (or 7 MoSPE standards for library media specialists) See Professional Development Folio Guide for Teachers and Library Media Specialist for courses in which final drafts are to be submitted.
Complete EDUC 401 Professional Growth and Folio Development II   Complete the semester prior to student teaching in preparation for student teaching interview.
Complete draft of MoPTA (or MoLPA) tasks Complete in conjunction with EDUC 401 Professional Growth and Folio Development II  
Final Professional Development Folio Evaluation (including revised reflections and MoPTA or MoLPA tasks) The Folio evaluation must be “passing.” If it is not “passing,” the Folio must be revised during the student teaching semester and resubmitted to achieve a “passing” evaluation prior to conferral of professional education degrees and completion of certification program requirements. Students will receive an Incomplete (IN) grade for EDUC 401 until the Folio has been passed.
SECOND INTERVIEW: Approval for student teaching At least one semester before student teaching:
  • For August student teaching, interview must be completed in February, March, or April .
  • For January student teaching, interview must be completed in August, September, or October.
Placement Deadlines for Student Teaching

Must be fully admitted and have passed the student teaching interview by July 15th for Fall placements or by November 20th for Spring placements.

Placement requests will NOT be sent out until second interview has been passed AND students have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

Any request for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) must be submitted at the same time you apply for student teaching placement.

Take Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA) for each area in which certification is being sought). Complete prior to student teaching (Passing score required for conferral of professional education degrees and completion of certification program requirements.)
Complete all coursework Prior to student teaching (Students will not be allowed to student teach if all education courses have not been satisfactorily completed with a final grade of C or CR or better.)
Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA) OR Missouri Librarian
Performance Assessment (MoLPA) (Standards-based Exit Assessment)
Professional Competency Profile
Complete in conjunction with student teaching
(All students, including those petitioning for CPL, will be enrolled in EDUC 471 Student Teaching Seminar  to facilitate completion of this assessment.) (Passing score required for conferral of professional education degrees and completion of certification program requirements.)
Oral Presentation at Certification Celebration (Required for CPL students as well as those enrolled in student teaching) By the end of EDUC 471 Student Teaching Seminar 
(Certification Celebration date to be determined by instructor, approximately at end of twelfth week)
Establish a Credential File with Career Services
During student teaching
  • Create job profile using AppliTrack (district specific websites)
  • Create job profile on Missouri REAP
During student teaching
Complete student teaching and EDUC 471   In the same semester
Application for Certification
After successful completion of all coursework, including student teaching, and passing all required exit assessments

Course Requirements For Teacher Certification Have Changed

Students who did not complete all program requirements for certification – including passing MoGEA, their professional development folio, MoCA, and MoPTA – and graduating with a baccalaureate degree by July 31, 2017, will need to meet the new certification rules as outlined in the 2017-2018 undergraduate catalog and degree plan worksheets.


Programs of Study


Combined Major

Double Major

