Missouri Baptist University 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Middle Childhood Education, BPS
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CIP Code: 13.1203
Students must meet all requirements for certification before this degree will be conferred, including passing the following: 1) all sections of the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA); 2) the Professional Development Folio (semester prior to student teaching); 3) the Missouri Content Assessment(s) (MoCA) for each area of certification sought; 4) and the Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA) (completed during student teaching).
Note: Candidates pursuing this major may opt to complete either one or two concentration areas. In addition, the Middle Childhood major may be combined with Secondary certification, earning subject-specific certification in grades 5-12. Specific requirements are shown below:
General Education Requirements
The general education program must be completed by every student seeking a baccalaureate degree before graduation and includes the following:
Communication Skills
3 courses, as listed below (at least 9 hours) Fine Arts and Humanities
At least 3 courses (at least 9 hours) from the courses listed below, with at least one from each division (one Fine Arts, one Humanities, and one from either), unless the major requires all courses in the same division. Natural Science
1 course from the biological sciences and 1 course from chemistry or physical science (at least 7*-8 hours) Chemistry or Physical Science
*For the transfer student, at least one of the above must include a laboratory. Mathematics
One course from the following (at least 3 hours) Note(s)
† Must satisfy prerequisite or test before entering Social and Behavioral Sciences
3 courses from at least two of the following disciplines as listed below: Cultural Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology (at least 9 hours) Total Hours of General Education: At Least 37-38 1 Must complete an English composition course that includes the writing of a research paper. Students transferring in a course equivalent to ENGL 123 without a course equivalent to ENGL 113 may satisfy the remaining 3 hours needed to fulfill the Communication Skills general education requirement by completing ENGL 113 or choosing one course from the electives for the Writing Certificate in English. 2 It is recommended that Elementary Education majors take either Art Appreciation or Appreciation of Music. 3 For non-music majors; music majors and minors must complete Music History I and II, which will satisfy six of the nine hours required. Students seeking certification through the Bachelor of Music Education degree must complete Introduction of Music Technology in addition to Music History I, II, and III, which will satisfy the nine hours required. 4 Christian Ministry majors must complete at least two courses in Philosophy, one at the 200-level. 5 Any upper-division Philosophy or IDST 313 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology may be substituted for a second Philosophy course if an introductory course in Philosophy or Logic has been completed. IDST 313 is required for Unified Science majors and is recommended for those seeking middle school science certification. CPHI 203 is the preferred humanities course for students in the Teacher Education Program. 6 Courses which will be accepted in transfer as equivalent Humanities background to satisfy this requirement include: Humanities I, II, III, or IV or any course carrying a departmental prefix of Humanities. Courses in literature, foreign language, or religion will not be accepted to satisfy general education requirements as these satisfy specific baccalaureate degree requirements. Courses which will be accepted in transfer as equivalent Fine Arts background include courses such as Dance Appreciation. Applied art, music, or ensemble/performance courses will not satisfy the Fine Arts general education requirements. 7 For students not majoring in the Natural Sciences or Health and Sport Sciences; students with majors or minors in Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Exercise Science, Health Education, Health Sciences, Healthcare Management, Physical Education, Mathematics, Middle Childhood Education, or Unified Science should consult the major requirements as listed in the catalog for the appropriate courses for their degree and field of study. 8 This course includes a component covering the real number system and is recommended for Early Childhood and Elementary Education majors. 9 Students seeking teacher certification should take General Psychology and U.S. History I OR II OR Federal (American) Government, plus an additional course from the following areas: Geography, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, U.S. History or Government, which will satisfy the 9 hours required. Students pursuing certification in Middle School or Secondary Social Sciences must complete ECON 103 Survey of Economics for Non-Business Majors . Business Division majors must complete ECON 113 Macroeconomics and ECON 123 Microeconomics . 10 Students seeking Early Childhood or Elementary certification must complete ECON 103 to satisfy BSE requirements. 11 Students must take BOTH HIST 213 United States History I AND HIST 223 United States History II , OR HIST 113 Western Civilization I AND HIST 123 Western Civilization II , in order for these courses to satisfy the general education requirement, except when the student’s particular program of study requires specified Social and Behavioral Sciences courses. 12 Students pursuing the Bachelor of Music Education degree must complete BOTH PSYC 133 AND EDPS 383 as 6 of the 9 hours required. Students seeking secondary teacher certification in other areas, who have completed PSYC 133 General Psychology , may take EDPS 383 Psychology of Teaching and Learning to satisfy 3 of the remaining 6 hours required. 13 COMM 233 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication is a preferred Fine Arts general education course for all teacher certification programs and is required for middle or secondary Speech/Theater majors. Students seeking to earn the Associate of Science degree in Business Administration, Pre-Nursing, or Christian Ministry should check the desired area of concentration under Academic Divisions and Major Fields in this catalog for specific general education and degree requirements. In accordance with guidelines established by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) of the State of Missouri regarding articulation and the transfer of credit, most recently revised in October 2005, Missouri Baptist University grants junior standing to students transferring to the University with an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree (earned after October 1987) or an Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree from Missouri institutions which are in compliance with CBHE general education requirements. This signifies that the lower division general education requirements for a degree at Missouri Baptist University have been satisfied by completion of the A.A. or A.A.T. degree. Students transferring with other than an A.A. or A.A.T. degree, or with an Associate of Arts degree which does not meet the above stipulations, are not automatically granted junior standing, and may be required to take additional general education courses. A student transferring to Missouri Baptist University from a Missouri institution who has not completed an A.A. or A.A.T. degree, but who has completed the 42-credit hour General Education curriculum block prescribed by CBHE, shall be deemed to have completed all General Education requirements of Missouri Baptist University. Completion of the 42-hour block must be denoted by the sending institution on the student’s transcript. All students must complete all major and specific degree program requirements beyond the general education requirements (see the catalog sections on General Education Requirements and Degree Requirements for additional information).
Bachelor of Professional Studies
The general education program is complemented by specific requirements for each of the six baccalaureate degree programs. The student must complete all requirements for the degree plan selected before graduation. The completion of the general education requirements and the degree requirements comprise a cohesive liberal arts basis, preparing students for study in professional subject disciplines. For the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, see the School of Nursing section in this catalog.
2 courses, as listed below (6 hours) Computer Literacy
1 course (at least 3 hours) § Interdisciplinary Studies
2 courses (3 hours)
Professional Requirements
Content Planning and Delivery/Individual Student Needs/ Schools and the Teaching Profession
Instructional Strategies and Techniques in Content Specialty Area
Candidates should complete only the course(s) which represent the content area(s) of desired certification: Note
1See the catalog section on Senior Permission for information on earning graduate credit for this course. Field and Clinical Experiences
Subject-Specific Certification Requirements
NOTE: A 24-credit-hour area of concentration is required for middle school certification. Areas of concentration offered by Missouri Baptist University include Business Education, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and Speech/Theatre. Candidates pursuing middle/secondary combined certification must satisfy all the subject-specific secondary content area requirements, which will also fulfill the middle school concentration area requirements, except for middle/secondary general science combined. 6 hours in computer/emerging technology from the following
Total: 24 Hours
* Must satisfy prerequisite Language Arts
The following courses constitute a minor in English. College-level math electives
(8 hours minimum to total 24 hours in concentration) General Science 5-9
Students desiring to complete a minor in Biology will also need to complete six hours of upper division biology electives to total 18 hours. General Science 5-12
(middle/secondary combined) Speech/Theatre
Students desiring to complete a minor in Theatre will also need to complete at least two hours in the performance area (THEP courses). Total: 24 Hours
*Note: COMM 233 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication fulfills a Fine Arts General Education course for students pursuing Middle Childhood Education with a concentration in Speech/Theatre. It is recommended that students take CPHI 203 Introduction to Logic to satisfy the Humanities General Education requirement. |
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