Mar 12, 2025
EDCL 411/511 - Teaching Field Experience II Semester Hours: One This is a second field experience to be completed in a different setting than the initial experience in EDCL 211 . This field experience should be completed near the end of the student’s pre-service teacher education program prior to the student teaching experience. This field experience requires 45 clock hours of tutoring, observing, and assisting with small groups or individuals in an instructional setting within the grade levels of desired certification. The student is expected to present a minimum of two lessons, keep a log, write a reflective report, collect artifacts, and meet with the university supervisor to discuss educational issues/topics and the field experience. The field experience location will be assigned by the Director of Field Experiences in order to insure that students have an opportunity to experience diverse school settings. Term Offered: Fall, Spring
EDCL 211 and Admission to Teacher Education Program or EDCL 211 and major in Child Development Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 410 and current Family Care Safety Registry background check (see catalog section on Background Checks for Field Experience and Student Teaching for additional information). Note: Some districts may also require current tuberculosis (TB) test results for placement. A lab fee is charged for this field experience. This course cannot be accepted in transfer from another institution. CPT form required for F-1 international students.
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