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    Jul 27, 2024  
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Courses cross-listed between disciplines are generally indicated by a common course prefix as listed below. Exceptions, such as and MUCS/THEP courses, are denoted in the course description.

Course Prefix Cross-listed Disciplines   Course Prefix Cross-Listed Disciplines
BUDA Business and Data Analytics   EDPS Education and Psychology
BUMU Business and Music   EDST Education and Theatre
CEWL Christian Education and Worship Leadership   ENCP English and Philosophy
CMHS Christian Ministry and History   HIPO History and Political Science
CMPS Christian Ministry and Psychology   HUED Human Services and Education
COEN Communications and English   MGPS Management and Psychology
COST Communications and Theatre   MUED Music and Education
CPHS Christian Ministry, Philosophy, and History   PHED Physical Education and Health Education
CRCO Criminal Justice and Communications   POPH Political Science and Philosophy
CRPH Criminal Justice and Philosophy   PSCM Psychology and Christian Ministry
CRPO Criminal Justice and Political Science   PSHU Psychology and Human Services
CRPS Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sociology   PSPO Psychology and Political Science
CSCP Christian Studies and Church Planting   PSSC Psychology and Sociology
EDEN Education and English   SOHI Sociology and History
EDGE Education and Geography   THDA Theatre and Dance
EDMU Education and Music   THMU Theatre and Music



Course Prefix Discipline   Course Prefix Discipline
ACCT Accounting   ETOP Educational Topics
ARTS Arts   EXSC Exercise Science
BCHM Biochemistry   HCMG Healthcare Management
BCIS Computer Information Systems   HIST History
BCSC Computer Science   HIUS U.S. History
BIOL Biology   HIWO World History
BIOT Biotechnology   HONR Honors
BUIA Business Internship   HSCI Health Science
BUIB Business Internship   HUMT Human Services
BUIC Business Internship   HUSR Human Services
BUID Business Internship   IDST Interdisciplinary Studies
BUIM Business Internship   ITBU Information Technology
BUIR Business Internship   KACT Activity Courses
BUSN Business   KATH Varsity, Junior Varsity, & Club Sports
CBIB Biblical Studies   MATH Mathematics
CBLA Biblical Languages   MGMT Management
CHEM Chemistry   MILS Military Science
COMJ Journalism   MRKT Marketing
COMM Communications   MUAI Music Applied: Instrumental
COMR Public Relations   MUAO Music Applied: Organ
COMS Sport Journalism   MUAP Music Applied: Piano
COMT Broadcast Media   MUAS Music Applied: Studio Class
CPHI Philosophy   MUAV Music Applied: Voice
CRJS Criminal Justice   MUCL Music Ensembles: Choral Large
CSCE Christian Education   MUCS Music Ensembles: Choral Small
CSCM Christian Ministry   MUMI Music Business
ECCL Early Childhood Field Experiences and Student Teaching   MURA Music Applied: Recital Attendance
ECED Early Childhood Education   MURC Music Applied: Studio Techniques
ECON Economics   MURP Music Applied: Recital Performance
ECSP Early Childhood Special Education   MUST Music: Special Topics
ECTA Curriculum and Assessment   MUTC Music Technology
EDCL Teaching Field Experience   MUTH Music Theory
EDDR Driver Education   MUTS Music Ensembles: Choral Small
EDHE Health Education   MUWA Worship Leadership
EDMS Middle and Secondary Education   NRSG Nursing
EDPE Physical Education   NSCI Natural Science
EDRD Reading and Literacy Studies   PHYS Physics
EDSP Special Education   POLS Political Science
EDUC Education   PSYC Psychology
ELCL Elementary Student Teaching   RNBS Radiologic Technology
ELED Elementary Education   SMGT Sport Management
EMCL Middle School Student Teaching   SOCO Sociology
ENGL English   SPAN Spanish
ENTR Entrepreneurship   THEA Theatre
ESCL Secondary Student Teaching   THEP Theatre Production

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