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    Oct 26, 2024  
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
Missouri Baptist University 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life and Services

Department of Student Development

The Department of Student Development cultivates learning opportunities within the co-curricular environment. Student leadership positions, clubs and organizations, inter-collegiate athletics, and living in the residence halls helps students develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. The offices within the Department invest in the lives of students as they learn more about who God created them to be and how they can use their gifts to transform the world. A full list of offices, programs, resources, and opportunities to engage in co-curricular opportunities is available on Missouri Baptist University’s website.

Student Code of Conduct

Helpful information and policies are shared with students in three places: The Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook), The Residential Guide to Living, and The Student Organization Handbook. In particular, The Spartan Virtues communicates critical information about students rights and responsibilities and prepares students to be successful in negotiating the policies and procedures of campus life. There are three sections to The Spartan Virtues. 

  • The Governing Ideas includes a letter from the President and outlines the university’s mission statement and values. 
  • The Code of Conduct section, describes our Spartan Commitments and the student disciplinary process, including specific policies, as well as important notices and statements. 
  • The last section, Campus Activities, offer information and direction regarding Student Organizations and event planning. Occasionally, policies will change during the academic year.

Please refer to The Spartan Virtues for the most current version of policies. We hope you find The Spartan Virtues a valuable resource to your life and learning at Missouri Baptist University.

The Spartan Virtues is available online on the Dean of Students website and can be requested by contacting the Dean of Students Office at 314-392-2212.

Please note, the above information is provided to help answer some questions you may have about Missouri Baptist University’s Student Code of Conduct System. The Spartan Virtues states official policies and processes and works in conjunction with the catalog. 

The Spartan Commitments

I. Dignity and Respect for All

The following information and/or policies are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 314-392-2211 or e-mail for questions about Title IX policies and procedures.

  • Anti-discrimination
  • Non-sexual harassment
  • Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Harassment
  • Hazing Policy
  • Physical Conflict Policy

II. Personal Integrity

Academic Integrity and Honesty

Academic dishonesty jeopardizes the academic integrity of the University and is not in keeping with Christian principles. It is considered to be a serious offense. Missouri Baptist University expects students to attach their names only to work or research which they have done themselves. Materials and sources must be properly documented. Students must prepare original work and research, present their own reports and papers, and take examinations without any assistance or aids not expressly permitted in the testing procedure.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not necessarily confined to: plagiarizing; cheating on examinations; submitting counterfeit reports, tests, or papers; stealing tests or other academic materials; knowingly falsifying academic records or documents such as transcripts; and submitting the same work to more than one class without consent of the instructors involved.

Academic dishonesty of any nature will result in disciplinary action, which may include receiving a failing grade on the work in question, failure in the course, or dismissal from the University. Academic dishonesty is a part of the Student Conduct Code.

The academic honesty policy is located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of the academic honesty policy may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

The following procedures in relation to academic integrity and honesty are also located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook).

  • Procedures for Academic Integrity Council
  • Procedures for Appealing Academic Integrity and Honesty Adjudication Outcome
  • Procedures for Suspensions, Expulsions, and Grades “F” Sanctions
  • Sanctioning for Academic Integrity and Honesty Violations
  • Multiple Incidents
  • Expungement

Assisting and/or Condoning Conduct

Presence when and where a violation of the Code of Conduct is occurring and failing to notify campus authorities of the violation shall subject a student to disciplinary action. Students who knowingly act in concert to violate University regulations may be held jointly responsible for such violations.

The following information and/or policies are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

  • Deceptive Behavior Policy
  • Inappropriate Internet and Computer Use Policy
  • Responsibility for Guests On-Campus

III. Critical Thinking and Discernment

Copyright Policy

It is the policy and the duty of the University to respect the copyrights associated with books, articles, compact discs, software, videos, musical compositions and any other copyrighted work. The copyright policy is located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of the copyright policy may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process. For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at, especially their FAQ’s at

IV. Self-Control & Responsible Freedom

The following information and/or policies are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

  • Damage to Property and Premises
  • Failure to Comply Policy
  • Security Equipment Tampering
  • Substance-Free Community Policy
  • Alcohol and Controlled Substances Notification Policy

V. Social Order & Community Responsibility

The following information and/or policies are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

  • Fire Hazards & Combustible Materials
  • Pets & Other Animals Policy
  • Theft Policy
  • Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
  • Unauthorized Entry
  • University Posting
  • Weapons-Free Campus

Notices, Statement, and Special Regulations

The following information and/or policies are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

  • Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
  • Appropriate Clothing and Shoes
  • Business Ventures on Campus
  • Complaint and Grievances
  • Chapel Expectations
  • Directory Information
  • Emergency Action
  • Involuntary Withdrawal
  • FERPA Notification of Rights
  • Film Policy
  • Graduation Judicial Restrictions
  • Identification Cards
  • Lawn and Grounds
  • Ownership of Creative Works
  • Residence Hall Security and Access
  • Roller Skates, Rollerblades, Skateboards & Other Coasting Devices
  • Hoverboards
  • Rented Scooters - Rented Dockless Bicycles
  • Search and Seizure
  • Student Authorization to Use Photograph or Video
  • University E-mail Communications to Students
  • University Facilities Usage
  • Use of Internet and Computer Resources

Communicable & Infectious Disease Notification

Communicable diseases include, but are not limited to, measles, influenza, viral hepatitis-A (infectious hepatitis), viral hepatitis-B (serum hepatitis), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection), AIDS, AIDS-Related Complex (ARC), leprosy, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), including the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus or COVID-19) and tuberculosis. Missouri Baptist University may choose to broaden this definition in accordance with information received through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Communicable and infectious diseases pose an inherent risk for faculty, staff, and students both on and off campus, while participating in typical daily living, and engaging with others in any public or private settings. This includes University activities and programs such as class attendance, athletics, residential communal living, events/programs, utilizing campus facilities, and other University operations. Faculty, staff, and students have the potential exposure to communicable and infectious diseases both within and outside of the University setting.

The University will take proactive steps to protect the educational environment in the event of an infectious disease outbreak. It is the goal of the University during any such time period to strive to operate effectively and ensure that all essential services are continuously provided and that students and employees are safe. 

The University will comply with all applicable statutes and regulations that protect the privacy of persons who have a communicable disease. Every effort will be made to ensure procedurally sufficient safeguards to maintain the personal privacy of persons who have communicable diseases. 

The University is committed to providing authoritative information about the nature and spread of communicable and infectious diseases, including symptoms and signs to watch for, as well as required steps to be taken in the event of an illness or outbreak. 

The University will endeavor to provide a clean educational environment, including the regular cleaning and sanitization of objects and areas that are frequently used, such as bathrooms, breakrooms, conference rooms, door handles and railings. In accordance with the Emergency Management Plan. A committee will be designated to monitor and coordinate events around a communicable and infectious disease outbreak, as well as to create University rules that could be implemented to promote safety through infection control.

We ask all faculty, staff, and students to cooperate in taking steps to reduce the transmission of infectious disease in the workplace. The best strategies remain the most obvious—frequent hand washing with warm, soapy water; physical distancing; avoiding large gatherings; covering your mouth whenever you sneeze or cough; wearing a face covering as instructed; and discarding used tissues in wastebaskets. We have also installed alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the campus and in common areas.

Keeping the MBU campus safe and healthy is a joint effort requiring the contributions of all members of the University community.  Thank you in advance for honoring the University’s mission by adhering to health and safety guidelines and showing respect for the well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.  

Accountability Process for Violations of Spartan Commitments

The following applies to violations of the Code of Conduct which is the University’s judicial system for students. However, process statements under Missouri Baptist University’s Academic Integrity and Honor Code and Sexual Misconduct Policies may differ from statements in this section. Those differences supersede the information provided here, which can also be found in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). 

  • Accountability Procedures
  • Process Statements
  • Consequences

Forms and other guidelines necessary for administering the disciplinary process are available in the Dean of Students Office and online. If you have any additional questions about the Code of Conduct, please contact the Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students at 314-392-2211 or e-mail

Campus Activities

Student Organizations & Leadership

Information and policies in relation to student clubs and organizations at Missouri Baptist University are located in the Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of any such policies may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct process.

Community Life Requirement (formally Chapel Requirement)

The Community Life Requirement for all undergraduate students is a program that reinforces the Christian mission and commitments of the University providing experiential opportunities for students to live into and understand their calling. Missouri Baptist University’s Community Life Requirement enhances the student experience by focusing on MBU’s five core values of faith, trust, excellence, character, and social change. 

Students earn the qualitative chapel point each term on the transcript by participating in programs. Traditional undergraduate students attend approved programs that are listed on the official Community Life Requirement website. Part-time students are able to document participation through other off-campus activities outside of the University’s approved programming. Community Service is obtained by completing a form that indicates and verifies the nature of the service. 

Students must complete a specific number of activities in each category.

For more information contact the Office of Spiritual Life.

Student Success Center

  • Academic Advising – Academic Advising assists students in planning their program of study to meet degree requirements in a timely manner. 
  • Tutoring Services - Tutors majoring in fields in varying degrees are available during normal SSC hours without an appointment to assist with general education classes. 
  • Writing Lab - The writing lab coach helps with various parts of the writing process. Appointments are encouraged via the Self-Service tab in your Canvas Access.
  • Students with Disabilities - In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Missouri Baptist University will make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with needs for academic or other accommodations should contact the Academic Support Center located in the Field Academic Building as soon as possible. For complete details, see the Academic Support Center website.

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular involvement is a vital part of the overall collegiate student experience. It provides students the opportunity to apply what they are learning inside the classroom to their lives outside of the class. Research on students studying at a university show co-curricular involvement is related to increased student learning and cognitive, psychosocial, moral and ethical development. Co-curricular involvement is also related to students having a stronger sense of belonging, higher GPAs, and overall success rates. Co-curricular involvement can lead to students developing greater self-knowledge of their talents and strengths, as well as improving their leadership competence and the capacity to mobilize themselves and others to serve and work collaboratively. This involvement through student activities prepares students for personal and professional success beyond graduation. We affirm the choice of our students to be involved in the campus and community – and student organizations provide one avenue to engage in a co-curricular experience through our organizations focused on Advocacy & Awareness, Academic & Honorary, Mission & Service, and Special Interest.

A full list of club and organizations can be found on the Office of Student Life website.

Counseling Services

The Office of Counseling Services provides services to degree-seeking students. The offices will work with students to provide short-term, solution-based services and connect students to external providers for longer term care if needed. Students can contact the Office of Counseling Services at All appointments for counseling are scheduled on an individual basis and all sessions are confidential. 

For emergency situations, individuals should contact the Office of Public Safety if they are on-campus or 9-1-1 off-campus.

Health Insurance

All students are encouraged to carry health insurance in the event of accident or illness. 

All residence hall students are required to show evidence of adequate health insurance.

International students are required to purchase the health insurance plan provided by Missouri Baptist University through the designated carrier and this cost is directly charged to the student’s account.

Missouri Baptist University assumes no responsibility for the payment of health care expenses incurred by a student for services offered through the Health Services. Missouri Baptist University assumes no responsibility in the resolution of claims submitted by the student to the insurance company.

Missouri Baptist University does not provide personal medical insurance. Each student is encouraged to make his/her own arrangements for adequate medical coverage.

Health & Immunization Records

All residence hall students are required to submit health and immunization records to the Office of Residence Life. The record should include measles/mumps/rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis B, and a tuberculosis test. This may also include any Federal mandated vaccine. The meningococcal (meningitis), varicella (chicken pox), and COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended for students living in the residence halls, but are not required. Residential students electing not to receive the meningitis vaccination will be required to sign a waiver.

International students are also required to provide a report of medical history, including shot records for measles/mumps/rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis B, and a tuberculosis test. The meningococcal (meningitis), varicella (chicken pox), and COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended for students living in the residence halls, but are not required. Residential students electing not to receive the meningitis vaccination will be required to sign a waiver. Any other specific health needs should be reported to the Office of International Student Services in case of an emergency.

Student Athletes have specific health requirements governed by the Athletic Department. Each student athlete should contact the department for specific requirements.

Health Services

The student health and wellness area of MBU exists to provide the necessary means and support to enhance students’ mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and is committed to providing the best possible resources to meet the needs of a diverse student body.

Services we offer:

  • Mental Health Counseling on-campus and referrals to off-campus providers
  • Mercy Clinic at MBU
  • Community resources
  • Health and safety programs

The Division of Student Development works closely with counseling centers around the St. Louis area to provide services for students. All sessions with counselors are confidential.

For fees, services and appointments regarding student health and wellness please visit the Division of Student Development website.

International Student Services

International Student Services is responsible for recruitment, admission, student development and immigration compliance for all non-immigrant students at Missouri Baptist University and international alumni engaged in Optional Practical Training. All international students with an immigration status are required to work with the Office of International Student Services.

  • Listed in the Undergraduate Admission and Graduate Admission tab for specific information on enrollment requirements.
  • International Students receive academic co-advising with the International Student Services to ensure compliance with visa requirements.
  • International Students seeking approval for on-campus employment or academic internship must have approval from the office.

For a full list of services, educational programming, and support resources visit the Student Development website.

Public Safety

The Public Safety Office is normally staffed 24 hours a day by licensed security. Students should practice good safety habits at all times and should contact the Public Safety Office when feeling uneasy, or if they become aware of suspicious persons or activities. In compliance with the state laws and the federal “Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act,” the Missouri Baptist University Office of Public Safety provides a monthly report of any crime on campus and provides, upon request during business hours, campus crime statistics and related data to employees and students desiring this information. Campus crime statistics may also be found on the Public Safety webpage. The Office of Public Safety is also actively engaged in crime prevention strategies and timely security alerts.

Automobile Assistance: Public Safety provides services for automobiles, such as unlocking doors and jump-starting dead batteries.

Automobile Privileges: Many students find it convenient to have their own transportation available at school. There is a charge for parking a car on campus. Registration of the car and a Missouri Baptist University sticker/decal prominently displayed on the lower left corner of the rear windshield (driver’s side) are required. Students must park in their assigned parking lot as indicated on their parking sticker. All local, state, and University traffic regulations governing the safe operation of a motor vehicle will be enforced.

Parking permits do not guarantee a parking space, since there are more student vehicles than there are parking spaces. The university reserves the right to ticket, boot, and/or tow automobiles in violation of the parking regulations. Parking ticket fines must be paid before grades and transcripts will be provided.

Emergency Services: For on-campus emergencies, call 314-744-5355, for non-emergency assistance, call 314-744-5355.

Handicapped Parking: Handicapped students may park in the designated handicap spaces or in any parking lot on the campus, regardless of posted restrictions. Handicapped students must display handicap state-issued license plates, state-issued placard, or a handicap decal issued by the university. Temporary parking decals are available to students with temporary injuries affecting their ability to walk. There is no fee for handicap decals.

Identification Cards: Public Safety generates the university ID cards and keeps an electronic file of these cards in its database. Cards are usually made during registration times and as needed.

Parking Meters: 45-minute parking meters are located outside of the Chapel and Fine Arts Building. These meters are for students wishing to make a quick visit to the Bookstore, deliver paperwork to the Administration building, or to visit their professor. Students exceeding the 45-minute limit or parking at an expired meter when the meter is in operation will be subject to fines twice that of a normal parking violation.

Parking Permits: Any person operating an automobile on campus must purchase and display a valid registration decal and park only in those areas appropriately designated. Parking permits are to be displayed on the lower left corner of the rear windshield (driver’s side). 

Parking Violations/Fines: Failure to comply with parking regulations may result in a fine, having the vehicle towed from campus at the owner’s expense, an immobilizing boot attached to the wheel of your vehicle, or the loss of campus parking privileges. Parking ticket fines must be paid before grades and transcripts will be released. A full list of parking violations can be found in the Traffic and Parking Policies at


Administration Building
Outside gathering point: Main Parking lot B section A2
Inside safety location: Lowest stairwell and first floor hallway
Inside information point: Reception desk

Field Academic Hall
Outside gathering point: 1st Floor Parking lot A section E; 2nd and 3rd Floors: Main parking lot B section B1
Inside safety location: 1st Floor Hallways by Main Computer Lab & Field Conference Room
Inside information point: The lobby just outside of the Office of Student Development

Jung-Kellogg Learning Center
Outside gathering point: Main parking lot B section A1
Inside safety location: Beneath the Rare Books mezzanine
Inside information point: Circulation desk

thePerk & Spartan Store
Outside gathering point: Main parking lot B section 5
Inside safety location: Two inside restrooms
Inside information point: South end of the service counter

Maintenance Building
Outside gathering point: D lot gathering point
Inside safety location: Evacuate to Pillsbury-Huff east wing second floor lounge
Inside information point: Campus Services Administrative Assistant’s Office

Muncy Gymnasium & Modular Buildings
Outside gathering point: Main Parking lot B section C2
Inside safety location: Downstairs Office Suites

Pillsbury Chapel & Dale Williams Fine Arts Center
Outside gathering point: 1st Floor Lower lot B section D; Upper Floors Parking lot B section C1
Inside safety location: Lower level piano practice rooms
Inside information point: Special Events Office

North Hall
Outside gathering point: Pillsbury-Huff parking lot
Inside safety location: First floor interior hallways
Inside information point: Resident Assistant front desk

Pillsbury-Huff Hall
Outside gathering point: Pillsbury-Huff parking lot
Inside safety location: East wing second floor lounge
Inside information point: Main Lobby

Spartan Village
Outside gathering point: E parking lot on the island by the Blue Light Phone
Inside safety location: Downstairs hallway in each dorm
Inside information point: Building lobby in each dorm

The Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex
Outside gathering point: The west end of the E parking lot by the Greek Columns
Inside safe location: Lower level north hallway outside the locker rooms
Inside information point: Main lobby desk

Spartan Field House
Outside gathering point: Blue Light Phone on the west side of the front parking lot
Inside safe location: Hallway by the equipment room
Inside information point: Team Room

School of Nursing - Walker Medical Building
Outside gathering point: Round Circle in front of building
Inside safe location: Main Lobby
Inside information point: Front Desk

Please reference University Emergency Management Plan for updates at

Residence Life and Housing

Missouri Baptist University offers housing for any full-time student, 23 or younger. Studies have shown that students who live on campus are less likely to withdraw, more likely to be satisfied with college experiences than commuters, and tend to have higher G.P.A.s.

In addition, the Residence Life Team is committed to the development of students by providing a positive living/learning environment, quality customer service, and support for diverse cultural and personal perspectives.

Information regarding campus housing fees and deposits is found on the Financial Aid home page off Missouri Baptist University’s main web page.

Once a student has contracted to live in a residential facility, he/she must notify the Office of Residence Life in order to withdraw from on-campus housing. Refer to Refund Schedule for information about refunds and cancellation fees.

Further information about campus housing may be obtained from the Office of Residence Life or on the website.

Student Services

Various student services and university facilities are available to students. These offices and facilities assist students in their overall success as a student and managing their student record.

myMBU (Student Portal)

Missouri Baptist University student portal is a single sign-on service, called myMBU,, which will allow students the ability to easily navigate across platforms without having to re-enter their password multiple times.

How will students use the single sign-on system? myMBU will act as Missouri Baptist University’s 24-hour, self-service web dashboard that provides eligible students a “one-stop shop” to access an array of services. Essentially, students will login to myMBU one time and have access to a number of services. The student-centric site includes the following functions:

  • myMBU Learn — This section allows students to access MBU’s Learning Management System, Canvas. Canvas is the learning management system utilized by MBU. For more information, visit
  • myMBU Calendar — Visit the easy-to-use calendar to discover all of the events at MBU. From athletics to club meetings, this calendar hosts all of the events on campus. RSVP and share the events with your friends so you don’t miss your favorite concerts or open mic night in thePerk. This site is also accessible at
  • myMBU Access — This section allows students to access personal academic information such as class schedules and unofficial transcripts; print both mid-term and final grade cards (grade reports will not be mailed); view active holds; change local address information; keep a personal calendar of events such as birthdays, athletic schedules, concerts, upcoming tests, etc.; access a Faculty Directory of campus email addresses and phone numbers; view lists of documents received and outstanding (Admissions, Financial Services, Teacher Education, etc.); order books from the bookstore; review and either accept or deny financial aid awards; pay tuition and fees; and locate other important information including course schedules and library reference sites.
  • In addition, students may access campus email and library databases from the myMBU dashboard.

To login to myMBU, students will go to and click on the Current Students link. From that page, students will launch myMBU. For students, the username to login to myMBU is the student ID number found on their student ID card. Students who do not have a current student ID card should contact the MBU IT department at 314-392-2377. Students who have forgotten their password should click the Forgot my Password link on the Sign In page.

For other problems or questions, please contact the office related to the problem or question (Admissions for issues related to Admissions document tracking; Financial Services for billing or financial aid issues; Records Office for issues related to schedules, transcripts, or grade cards, etc.; Teacher Education for issues related to Teacher Education document tracking items, etc.).

Spartan Bookstore

The Spartan Store is the one stop shop for everything MBU! The bookstore carries a large selection of clothing, school supplies, gift items, snacks and computers/tablets. In addition, the bookstore stocks new and used textbooks, e-books and also offers textbooks for rent. Missouri Baptist University students may charge their textbooks, school supplies and other required items on their student account (with a MBU ID). Financial aid is accepted both online and in the store. The bookstore is open 24/7/365 at

Career Development

The Office of Career Development provides resources and facilitates opportunities for students to grow in knowledge and ability to better pursue meaningful careers.  We strive to be a catalyst for collaboration, innovation and experiential learning.

Students and alumni also have access to Handshake. Handshake is our online career platform where you can search for jobs and internships, schedule appointments with a Career Development staff member (International students are encouraged to schedule appointments with Lauren Repp), and learn about events.

For online resources and to access Handshake visit

The Career Development Office is located in the Jung-Kellogg Learning Center on main campus.  To contact the Career Development Office email

Jung-Kellogg Learning Center

The Jung-Kellogg Learning Center is a 21st century learning space where students can seek assistance for services traditionally provided by a library. This quiet-based facility provides a variety of versatile spaces designed for student collaboration and mimic professional environments found in corporate and organizational settings. A variety of technology assets are available in the Learning Center including Apple desktops in a quiet room, Microsoft Operating System laptops for check-out, and specialized wireless connections for LED screens in small meeting rooms for students to share their screens during group project work.

Learning Center Community Standards

The mission of the Learning Center is to provide students, staff, and faculty with the broadest array of information resources in an easy and timely manner, and to create an academic environment conducive to study, access, and research. All users are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth by this policy. The use of the stations, resources, etc., is a service and privilege to all.

  • Talking in a normal voice that does not disturb others or quiet cell phone use is permitted in all parts of the Learning Center except the Quiet Room. Your fellow learning center users will thank you for being considerate.
  • Failing to adhere to the copyright law, and systematically downloading or printing from a source not licensed infringes on the copyright law, and will not be tolerated.
  • Students are expected to behave in a civil manner that does not interfere with other people using the facility.
  • Students are expected to follow directions and instructions from Learning Center and university staff.
  • Covered beverages and light snack foods (i.e. granola bars, pretzels, chips, etc.) are allowed in the Learning Center. Meals should be consumed in the Perk of Dining Hall.
  • The Learning Center is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Unattended property may be taken to lost and found at the Service Desk and/or MBU Public Safety as appropriate.

Violations of any of the above will result in a referral to the Student Code of Conduct process.

Student Email Use Policy

The student use email policy is located in The Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of the student use email policy may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct procedures.

Computer Use Policy

The computer use policy is located in The Spartan Virtues (the Student Handbook). Violations of the computer use policy may result in accountability through the Student Code of Conduct procedures.

Other Information

Cancellation of Classes

In the event that day classes are cancelled due to severe weather, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances, or if classes are to run on the Delayed Day Schedule, please note the following:

  • will provide the most accurate information and details.
  • Students may sign up to receive emergency text notifications to their cell phone by sending a text message to 313131 with the term mbustudents. Students should quickly receive a text message confirming participation in the program.
  • The Main campus phone messaging system (314) 434-8262 will play updated information.
  • The following broadcast centers will be notified: KMOX Radio (AM 1120), KSDK Channel 5, and other outlets.

Announcements on KMOX begin at 5:30 a.m. with a repeat listing at 6:30 a.m. KTVI Channel 2 and KSDK Channel 5 continually broadcast information from 5:30 a.m.-9 a.m. Announcements on the mobap website and phone system will be made as early as possible.

When the Delayed Day Schedule is announced, 8 a.m. classes are cancelled and students should report to school at 9:30 a.m. for classes that are scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. All other classes will meet as scheduled.

All evening class cancellations due to inclement weather will be decided by 4 p.m. and posted on the website and phone system.